14674 results

Deutsche Post Buys Karstadt Logistics

BIKE EUROPE:UNNA, Germany (25 Jan) - Deutsche Post (=German Mail) has bought the complete logistics division of ailing German Karstadt retail chain. The chain suffered a 16% sales decline in 2004, while the mail order side of the business fell 6.8%. DP is said to have paid € 210 million for mail order company Quelle

Decathlon: Biggest Store in Spain, but Withdrawal from US Market

Decathlon: Biggest Store in Spain, but Withdrawal from US Market

VILLENEUVE DASCQ, France Last September, Decathlon opened in Spain its largest store so far, but the company also announced that it will cease all activities in the USA. Europes biggest bike supplier is said to have sold over two million bicycles in 2005.

Vietnam to Encourage Motorbike Production and Export

Vietnam to Encourage Motorbike Production and Export

HCM City, Vietnam - Vietnam will remove the prevailing regulation which says no new motorbike production projects should be licensed, according to a local industry agency on Wednesday. The country's Industry Ministry has proposed the government abolish the regulation to create a fairer playing field for motorbike producers and assemblers in accordance with international commitments regarding its entry to the World Trade Organization, said the Institute for Industry Policy and Strategy under the ministry.

Frames separating on Cervelo bicycles

About 650 carbon fibre bicycles and bicycle frames, distributed by Cervelo Cycles, have been recalled because the frames can separate, sending the rider flying. Included are 2005 R2.5 models with serial numbers higher than R251700.

Tianjin Show Changes Dates

TIANJIN, China The Tianjin Cycle Show, which officially is called the China North International Cycle Show, has changed its date. Instead of taking place a few days after the Taipei Cycle Show, Tianjin will take place January 12 14, 2007.

CamelBak Europe becomes CamelBak International

CamelBak Europe becomes CamelBak International

Mons, Belgium - CamelBak Products, LLC, the global hydration systems leader, today announces the new structure of its European operations. Effective July 1st, the Mons, Belgium based European Headquarters assumes responsibility for all International sales and marketing activities (except USA).

Canadian Cycling Industry Applauds Surtax Rejection/ 加拿大自行车行业欢迎政府推翻提高关税的决定

Canadian Cycling Industry Applauds Surtax Rejection/...

加拿大自行车行业欢迎政府推翻提高关税的决定 加拿大自行车贸易协会(BTAC)发表声明支持政府推翻了国际贸易法庭(CITT)要求对进口自行车加收30%关税的建议。



西班牙自行車界成立了一個名為AMBE的新協會。它取代了先前死氣沉沉的SEEB(Espaol Empresarial d/l Bicicleta部門)。AMBE是由西班牙境內幾間最大的自行車公司所創立,

Taiwan Sees Steep Rise in Bike Export to Europe

Taiwan Sees Steep Rise in Bike Export to Europe

Taiwans bike export to Europe is recovering again after the serious blow it got last year. Then a close to 15% drop was recorded. Chairman Ying-Ming Yang (photo) of the Taiwan Bicycle Exporters Association (TBEA) reported today that

Ultra Motor Launching Customized Propulsion Systems for e-Bikes

Ultra Motor Launching Customized Propulsion Systems for e-Bikes

The British manufacturer of the A2B electric bikes, Ultra Motor UK Ltd., is going to supply pedelec, e-Bike and e-Scooter propulsion systems to bike brands from 2011. Instead of supplying the mass market, Ultra Motor intends to develop

Michelin's Newest Tyre Technologies in Hall A1

Michelin's Newest Tyre Technologies in Hall A1

At Eurobike 2010 Michelin is unveiling its latest innovations which are Wild Race'R; Michelin Dynamic, as well as the revolutionary new Protek Max inner tube. Visitors will also get a look at a

傾銷稅廢除後; A&J集團越南廠重新營運

傾銷稅廢除後; A&J集團越南廠重新營運

歐盟對越南製自行車所徵收的34.5%反傾銷稅,於上週-2010年7月15日廢除。A&J環球集團因而宣布,其位於越南胡志明市附近的廠房將重新營運。A&J執行長 Jon Edwards於上週透露該集團越南High Ride自行車廠將重新營運的消息。針對相關問題,

Sri Lanka Made Bikes & Parts No Longer Import Duty Free

Sri Lanka Made Bikes & Parts No Longer Import Duty Free

As of from next week bicycles as well as bike components imported from Sri Lanka into the European Union will become more expensive. On August 15th 2010, Sri Lanka will lose its (import) duty free access to the EU market.



知名的前叉與車架生產商Kinesis實業有限公司,與義成自行車零件(崑山)有限公司(一般稱為A-One或Alico 崑山),簽訂戰略聯盟。Kinesis執行長鄭惠明(見圖)透過這種聯盟方式,其位於中國廣州經濟技術開發區的Kinesis實業有限公司,

Tighter checks on EU imports

In 2005, European Regulation 648 has become effective, imposing new and uniform obligations on imports from third countries. The measures have been developed with a view to ensuring security, especially in the light of international terrorism and to countering the proliferation of

EU Regulations for E-bikes & Pedelecs (Part 2) Machinery Directive

EU Regulations for E-bikes & Pedelecs (Part 2) Machinery Directive

BRUSSELS, Belgium - "Cycles with pedal assistance which are equipped with an auxiliary electric motor having a maximum continuous rated power of 0.25 kW, of which the output is progressively reduced and finally cut off as the vehicle reaches a speed of 25 km/h, or sooner, if the cyclist stops pedalling" are explicitly included in the scope of Directive 2006/42/EC on Machinery.

UK Bike Market Expanding 20% Per Year

UK Bike Market Expanding 20% Per Year

Management consultancy Allegra Strategies, estimates the UK cycling market is growing by more than 20% per year. In Project Vlo, the UKs first ever in-depth study of the cycling sector, Allegra estimates the industry to be worth in excess of

Dutch FietsFabriek Wants to Re-Start after Bankruptcy

Dutch FietsFabriek Wants to Re-Start after Bankruptcy

The Amsterdam FietsFabriek (Bike Factory), the company which is said to have started the current transport trend in bikes in the Netherlands, was declared bankrupt last week. As the company was burdened with huge debts, owners Yalcin Chihangir and Dave Deutsch applied for insolvency.



繼台灣和中國單車推廣之旅後,捷安特創始人劉金標(76歲)已展開下一段旅程--荷蘭500。在為期 5天名為『綠色地球精神』的旅程中,他和同行車友-包括該公司執行長羅祥安,將騎乘 500公里的單車路線,

After Taiwan and China Giants King Liu Cycles Now in Holland

After Taiwan and China Giants King Liu Cycles Now in Holland

Following his promotional cycling tours in Taiwan and China, Giant founder King Liu (76) has embarked on his next trip, the Dutch 500. On the five-day trip, called Green World on Wheels he and his fellow cyclists including Giant CEO Tony Lo will ride a 500-kilometer route to view the cycling infrastructure of the Netherlands.