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Bike Europe main stage for e-bike innovations

Bike Europe main stage for e-bike innovations

Product innovations make the difference in the highly dynamic e-bike market, even during the corona crisis. The market is looking for new ways to show these innovations to the outside world. We will continue to cover these and make them available to our online readership, which includes some 20,000 bike professionals.

ZIV總經理Siegfried Neuberger於今年6月13日辭世。照片來源/ZIV

ZIV總經理Siegfried Neuberger辭世

德國柏林,巴特索登(Bad Soden)-德國產業協會ZIV報導:「對於我們任職了25年總監的Siegfried Neuberger在6月13日突然離世的消息感到錯愕又難過。」



德國,薩爾費爾德(Saalfeld)-Velosione德國車架生產廠的開幕對於達到靠近市場及更加靈活的供應鏈是很重要的一步。該公司上週慶祝發表首款射出成型敞模(injection-molded open-mold)製成的都會電動自行車碳纖車架。

The bicycle market has changed drastically in the past month. – Photo Shimano

Corona makes Shimano rethink its supply chain

OSAKA, Japan - In its financial statement of the first quarter of 2020, the Shimano Group reported a downturn in sales since mid-March. The company also pulled its full-year business performance forecasts. The situation has changed drastically since last month. "Bicycle assemblers in Europe are seeing a surge in orders and retailers in the US are running out of stock," said Shimano's CEO, Yozo Shimano.



荷蘭,阿姆斯特丹(Amsterdam)-荷蘭電動自行車製造商VanMoof成功從歐洲領先創投公司Balderton Capital和組裝夥伴SINBON Electronics獲得1250萬歐元的投資。該項投資發生在該品牌成功發表新款VanMoof S3及X3自行車之後,資金將用於幫助該品牌因應需求上升而拓展的國際業務。

除了電動自行車之外,該集團報告亦指出登山自行車及公路競速車銷售雙雙成長。照片來源/Grafisch Goed


荷蘭, 阿默斯福特(Amersfoort)-荷蘭規模最大的零售集團Dynamo Retail最新數據顯示電動自行車需求持續增加。該類別在四月的營業額相較去年成長5.8%,所有產品類別則成長6.3%。這樣的成果在這段艱困的防疫期間表現非常亮眼。

Orbea和Gazelle皆改造了工廠以保護其員工並防止病毒傳染。照片來源/Jo Beckendorff


荷蘭,杜廷赫姆(Doetinchem)-兩間自行車製造商在配合政府實施的防疫措施閉廠之後,於昨日宣佈將恢復生產線運作。位於荷蘭和西班牙巴斯克自治區(Basque)的Gazelle和Orbea S. Coop都聲明表示:「在嚴謹遵守當局訂定的健康及衛生措施之下復工。」

Michael Müllmann (L) hands Sport Import GmbH over to the next generation, Alexander Müllmann. - Photo Sport Import

Sport Import keeps it in the family

EDEWECHT, Germany - Michael Müllmann, owner of the German bicycle wholesaler, Sport Import, has handed over the family business to its successor, his son, Alexander Müllmann. Since March 01, 2020, the next generation has been the owner of Sport Import GmbH.

Frank Bohle呈現Schwalbe的綠色里程碑。照片來源/Schwalbe/Sabine Kunzer


德國,賴希斯霍夫(Reichshof)-電動自行車熱潮不斷、大眾對於騎單車的接受度也越來越高,Schwalbe的供應商Ralf Bohle GmbH在2019年創下最高銷售紀錄達2.06億歐元。該公司的淨銷售額成長10%,有史以來首次突破2億大關。

Polish bicycle manufacturer, Kross, will initially dismiss 25% of its workers. - Photo Kross

Kross to reduce workforce by 25 percent

PRZASNYSZ, Poland - The largest bicycle manufacturer in Poland, Kross, is taking its first moves to combat the difficult economic situation forced by the fallout from the coronavirus pandemic. The company's Board of Directors has announced plans to reduce its workforce by 25 percent.

Accell Group縮減將近七成的自行車產量。照片來源/Bike Europe

Accell Group縮減產量並撤回盈餘分派提案

荷蘭,海倫芬(Heerenveen)-Accell Group於上週公佈了一系列維持公司運作的措施。該公司於聲明中表示:「有鑑於新冠肺炎對經濟活動及我們所處的市場造成超乎預期的嚴重影響,基於此次疫情爆發時間長短及影響範圍的不確定性,因此採取應對措施。

總裁兼執行長Peter Woods將旗下的娛樂部門的名稱從娛樂/休閒改為Dorel Sports,正全力以赴將焦點放在創新、改變其經營策略上。- Photo Dorel

Dorel 改變了名稱和策略

美國,WILTON - Dorel Industries公司宣佈將旗下的娛樂部門的名稱從娛樂/休閒改為Dorel Sports。這家股票上市的公司正全力以赴將焦點放在創新、改變其經營策略上。

Inventory of bankrupted Halfords Netherlands is auctioned. It involves the stock in bicycles, e-bikes, P&A for bikes as well as for cars of about 60 closed Halfords stores. – Photo BVA Auctions

Inventory of Bankrupt Halfords NL Auctioned

AMERSFOORT, The Netherlands - Starting tomorrow - January 7, 2015 - part of the inventory of bankrupted Halfords Netherlands is auctioned. It involves the stock in bicycles, e-bikes, P&A for bikes as well as for cars of about 60 closed Halfords stores.

Speed pedelecs/speed e-bikes have to be registered; fitted with  number plate. But that’s only possible through Certificates of Conformity. – Photo Sparta

Electromobility Association Cautions for Illegal Speed E-Bikes

BRUSSELS, Belgium - With the definite application of the new legally bound type-approval system for electric bikes only a few weeks away, AVERE, the European Association for Electromobility, cautions for the continued selling of non type-approved e-bikes. AVERE states, "Sales of illegal electric bicycles may eventually put off consumers and thus jeopardize this promising market."

Orbea has switched to omni-channel in ten European countries. – Photo Orbea

Orbea Focuses on Omni-Channel Distribution

MALLABIA, Spain - Orbea switches to omni-channel for which the Spanish bike maker recently built an attractive site. Here consumers can order bicycles, e-bikes, eMTBs and accessories easily. Subsequently these products are to be delivered to consumers through registered Orbea dealers.

Some 200 sporting goods industry insiders participated this week for the WFSGI Manufacturers Forum in Taichung, Taiwan. – Photo Bike Europe

WFSGI Forum on Necessity to Implement Internet in Manufacturing

TAICHUNG, Taiwan - Industry 4.0 is all about future production technology although, "nobody really knows in which direction it will go for specific industries", was one of the conclusions of the two day conference on manufacturing last Tuesday and Wednesday.

台灣的統達能源製造電動自行車電池。-照片來源 Bike Europe

Tesla 於電動自行車電池上的新突破


E-bike battery production at Taiwan based HiTech Energy. – Photo Bike Europe

Tesla Brings New Technology to E-Bike Batteries

HSINCHU, Taiwan - It sounds like a fairy tale; e-bike batteries that last as long as the e-bike itself. A lifetime of over ten years is within reach. New cell technology also brings batteries capable of much more pedal-supported mileage. And it already comes in 2018. All this is thanks to Tesla.

Bike-Expo參展商對於此次展會感到相當興奮。-照片來源Andrey Khorkoy



After opening many superstores in many countries Decathlon is now targeting set-up of smaller scaled outlets in city centers. - Photo Decathlon

Decathlon's Strategy Switch to Outlets in City Centers

VILLENEUVE D'ASCQ, France - The world's biggest retailer in sporting goods as well as bicycles looks to be switching to a new strategy. After opening many, many superstores in as many countries - total store count stands currently at close to 1,100 in 30 countries - Decathlon is now targeting the set-up of smaller scaled outlets in particular in city centers.