14677 results



比利時,布魯塞爾(Brussels)-歐盟於上週五開始對中國各類電動自行車徵收「雙反稅」(反傾銷、反補貼),入門款到進階款、250W類型及高速電動輔助自行車(speed pedelecs)都包含在內。歐盟執委會在《官方公報》(Official Journal)發出的隔日,也就是1月17日,公佈「實施規範 2019/73」(Implementing Regulation 2019/73)文件。內文詳細說明歐盟對這類商品增收關稅的原因,以下為節錄摘要 。

卸任執行長Stan Day將SRAM從六人在一間滿是灰塵的工廠生產Grip Shift拓展成全球第二大自行車零部件製造商。照片來源/Peter Hummel

Ken Lousberg接任Stan Day在SRAM執行長一職

美國,芝加哥(Chicago)-SRAM宣佈消息表示Stan Day在1月1號卸任SRAM LLC執行長一職。Ken Lousberg則被指派作為接班人,他過去一年半為SRAM的營運長。Day卸任後將繼續擔任董事會主席。

Greyp at the forefront of the world of connected micromobility

Greyp at the forefront of the world of connected micromobility

Micromobility. A word so fresh that even online spelling checks correct it to "micro mobility". Simultaneously, this word is emerging as a powerful alternative to the current transportation mix. But what if you could make it smart?

Rodi employs around 300 workers at its Portuguese factory where bicycle rims and wheels and stainless-steel sinks are produced. - Photo Rodi Industries

Rodi invests in new equipment to capitalise on e-bike boom

AVEIRO, Portugal - Rodi Industries has invested heavily over the last years to be a leading European manufacturer of aluminium bicycle rims and wheels. The Portuguese company is now investing a further €2 million to acquire new equipment and raise its stake in the e-bike category.

MFC去年在法國Machecoul 產出約45萬輛自行車。照片來源/MFC

製造商 Française de Cycle產能提升至70萬輛

法國,馬謝庫(Machecoul)-自行車製造商Française du Cycle(簡稱MFC)的2020年是一波三折,疫情終於在過去幾個月讓自行車和電動自行車的需求飆升。不過MFC在混亂之中仍投資了一項很有企圖心的四年拓展計劃。

明年二月的ISPO Munich現已改為全數位展。照片來源/ISPO Munich

ISPO Munich轉數位展創造2021趨勢?

德國,慕尼黑(Munich)-全球規模最大運動用品展ISPO Munich的主辦單位Messe München於數週前提出了實體數位綜合展的概念,不過主辦的決策現在180度轉變,將改全數位展的方式進行,預定舉辦日為明年2月1至5日。這個決定也可能會影響其他訂於2021第一季舉辦的國際展會。

For ecoRide the anti-dumping duties on China made e-bikes were the main reason to open-up a factory in Poland. - Photo EcoRide

Eastern Europe still in demand as new factories open

WARSAW, Poland - Since production relocation is on the agenda in the e-bike industry, multiple clusters in Eastern Europe have been in the spotlight. Over the past few years some large facilities have been opened, but we have also seen smaller projects successfully investing in the booming e-bike and bicycle market. In the case of Ecoride the anti-dumping duties were the main reason to open-up a factory in Poland, while Atelierele Pegas is a Romanian initiative with the potential to expand into the micro-mobility market.

立陶宛自行車製造商Baltik Vairas的高階電動自行車組裝線正式啟用。照片來源/IJssel Technologie

Baltik Vairas設現代化電動自行車組裝產線追求工業4.0

立宛陶,斯奧萊(Siauliai)-Baltik Vairas已將電動自行車生產現代化帶往下一階段。立宛陶唯一電動自行車及自行車製造廠當中的全新組裝線已正式啟用。

Sachs Micro Mobility Solutions GmbH於2018年Eurobike亮相。照片來源/Bike Europe

BMZ和Magura將Sachs Micro Mobility股權轉給ZF Friedrichshafen

德國,拉芬斯堡(Ravensburg)-ZF Friedrichshafen AG已取得合資企業ZF Sachs Micro Mobility GmbH的所有股權。前股東BMZ GmbH和Gustav Magenwirth GmbH & Co. KG(Magura)已將其股權轉給ZF Friedrichshafen。


Tom Boonen為全新的比利時變速系統擔任大使

比利時,蒂倫豪特(Turnhout)-比利時新創公司Classified Cycling推出全新智慧變速系統,足以讓傳統前變速器變成過去式。前公路賽車手Tom Boonen擔任該公司品牌大使及新股東,公司深植於比利時的自行車文化當中,而Ridley則為發起合夥人。



德國, 美因河畔卡爾斯泰因(Karlstein am Main)-作為一個電池產業的全球創新者及電動自行車市場的驅動系統供應商,德國BMZ集團在性能設下新標準。BMZ V10 Intube是該公司最新的725Wh整合式鋰離子電池,外型相當美觀。

Fox Racing is strongly benefitting from the cross-overs between motocross and e-bikes, with the differences between the two sports becoming more blurred. - Photo Fox Racing

Fox Racing benefits from the e-bike and motorbike cross-over

IRVINE, USA - For over four decades, Fox Racing has been the global leader in motocross and mountain biking protective gear and apparel. Last year, industry insider Jeff McGuane joined the brand as CEO. "Once we had set our sights on the future of Fox, we invested in talent and culture."

According to a report in the Phnom Penh Post today, this year’s total bicycle exports is on track to outstrip 2019 sales. – Photo Shutterstock

Cambodia accelerates bicycle exports in 2020

PHNOM PENH, Cambodia - Data from Cambodia's customs department indicate that the country exported 1.1 million bicycles to the European Union in the first half of this year. The bicycle exports were valued at €205 million between January and July.

Bike Europe Editor in chief, Jan-Willem van Schaik

BLOG: Creating a wider audience for e-bikes and bicycles

"Promote yourself to a wider audience," said Fiona Bull, Programme Manager at the World Health Organization (WHO) at last year's World Cycling Forum in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Her presentation has been going through my mind a lot in the past months. All media reported on the cycling boom in many cities as people are looking for alternative means of mobility in the post-corona era.

On joining Allite, Ty Daugherty will focus on developing the use of Super Magnesium for lightweight bike parts. - Photo Allite Inc

Allite focuses on lightweight bike parts with new hire

MIAMISBURG, Ohio - Material science company Allite Inc has appointed Ty Daugherty as New Business Development Manager to focus on the global cycling industry. With 25 years of experience in management roles for well-known brands including Speedplay, Reynolds Cycling and Fulcrum Wheels srl, he will promote the use of Super Magnesium as a lightweight material for bike parts.

下一屆中國自行車展將於明年五月舉辦。照片來源/Bike Europe



The newly opened e-bike facility in Milton Keys will have an annual production capacity of 25,000 units. - Photo Volt Bikes

Volt opens onshore e-bike manufacturing facility in UK

LONDON, England - E-bike manufacturer Volt has opened its new UK manufacturing facility in Milton Keynes. The move represents a significant investment by the firm in UK manufacturing, and centralises its production in a facility with the capacity to build up to 25,000 e-bikes per year.

Since the lockdown has ended in France, French people are increasingly using their bikes for commuting and leisure. - Photo Michel de Chavanon

French rediscover the bicycle, study shows

PARIS, France - The French bicycle market has recorded huge growth since May 11th, the date that lockdown ended in France, a recent study on bicycle use shows. Sales increased by 117% between May 12th and June 12th, according to the French Union Sport & Cycle organisation. Even though bicycle inventories are running low, the French government is increasing its financial support for cycling.

From left to right, Angad Singh (Big Ben), Karan Aggarwal (Amar Wheels) and Varun Sureka (Hartex Rubber). – Photo Satnam Singh

Indian parts suppliers keen on easing supply-chain in Europe and...

NEW DELHI, India - The outbreak of Covid19 in China and later across the world as a global pandemic, created supply chain disruption in the global bicycle industry. Assemblers and distributors invested millions and years to build factories and a full supplier network in China, which has suddenly become vulnerable.

The 3D printed titanium motor node. - Photo GSD Global

3D printed titanium motor node for e-bikes developed

SANDVIKEN, Sweden - GSD Global, an engineering and design consultancy company which creates premium e-bikes, has paired with additive manufacturer, Sandvik to develop a 3D printed titanium motor node, which "can reduce costs by up to 75% and offer substantial quality and sustainability improvements as well."