14677 results

Dutch market is becoming 100% electric; regular bikes don't really matter anymore. – Photo Bike Europe

Dutch Bike Market Turning Exclusively Electric

AMERSFOORT, the Netherlands - First half year results for the Dutch market indicate that again electric bike sales is showing huge growth. It contrasts sharply with the sale of regular bicycles, which is sinking further and further. This mounting divergence even raises the question whether there will still be room for regular bicycles in the near future, or whether the Dutch market as a whole will switch to electric? And is this an indication on what's to happen in more markets?

Join us for a unique opportunity to learn from and connect with key industry figures and leading global organizations who will explore bicycle industry’s sustainability potential. – Photo WFSGI

Final Call for World Cycling Forum Participation

DOETINCHEM, the Netherlands - This is the final call for industry peers that want to take part in the World Cycling Forum which is about how the cycling industry is to play its vital role in the fight against climate change. This 2-day congress takes place on 4 and 5 June 2019 in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. There's a huge interest from Europe, North America as well as Asia for this 2nd World Cycling Forum but there are still seats left.

Devron Europe, perfect choice for a great ride

Devron Europe, perfect choice for a great ride

The right bike gives you the best possible cycling experience. That's why a Devron Europe's bike is your best choice when the road calls,

Bike Europe 3-2019

Bike Europe 3-2019

As subscriber to Bike Europe you can read your trade journal online. Log in and view the digital editions of Bike Europe. Main topics in this edition: - Business Aspects of Connecting Cycling to Sustainability - Growing Awareness of E-Cargo Bikes' Role - WTO Ruling Confirms EU's Dumping Policies - 'E-Bike Frame Production Needs Robotisation'



德國,蓋林根(Gerlingen)-Bosch Group於上週公佈的2018財務報告中並沒有提到其子公司的業績成果,營收、產量或銷售成長都未提及。僅在其中一小段說明該公司電動自行車業務促成營收成長近800億歐元,儘管如此,此段話便能看出該集團未來專注發展的方向。

WTO裁定中國為非市場經濟,現行徵收的反傾銷稅預計將維持。照片來源/Bike Europe



Victor Chen named as General Manager at Thun Tianjin

Victor Chen named as General Manager at Thun Tianjin

Thun has announced the promotion of Victor Chen to the role of General Manager of Thun Tianjin, the group's Asian-Pacific business hub, with immediate effect.

台灣的電腦龍頭Acer藉由子公司MPS踏入電動自行車市場。照片來源/Bike Europe


台灣,台北-自Darfon Electronics Corp.在2015年踏入電動自行車市場之後,現在又有另一間台灣的電腦公司準備踏入這塊。而且這間來頭更大,是家規模達數十億的電腦筆電平板製造商,他們正透過自己的子公司來進入電動自行車市場。

E-bike equipped with steer-assistant function developed at TU Delft Cycling Lab in cooperation with Gazelle. – Photo TU Delft/Gazelle

Exclusive Opportunity for World Cycling Forum Participants: Guided...

ROTTERDAM, the Netherlands - The upcoming World Cycling Forum, taking place on June 4 and 5 in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, offers participants the opportunity to visit the Cycling Laboratory of Delft University of Technology (TU Delft). They will be taken on a guided tour by university experts on the morning of June 6, following the conclusion of the second day of the Forum. Here they can get acquainted (free of charge) with the science behind making bicycles and bicycle products better, faster and more advanced.

歐洲對中國電動自行車徵收反傾銷稅讓先前質疑電動自行車的聲浪也轉向了。照片來源/Bike Europe



Giant預計電動自行車今年的銷售成長可達三成。照片來源/Bike Europe


台灣,台北-經過電動自行車銷售表現亮眼、帶來業績成長的一年之後,大家都很期待看到這個產業在2019年的表現。知名全球自行車品牌大廠Giant Manufacturing Co在上個月的台北展也發出類似的聲明,表示今年又會是電動自行車成長繼續突破的一年,這項商品將會橫掃歐洲。

E-bike production at Austria’s biggest KTM Fahrrad. – Photo KTM Fahrrad

Austria's (Electric) Bike Sales Reaches Record Highs

VIENNA, Austria - 2018 wasn't only a good year for bicycles in Germany, but also in neighboring Austria. The main trend here is the same as in many other European countries: e-bikes, e-bikes and e-bikes. Growing to a 33 percent market share (2017: 29 percent), Austria is now one of the biggest EU e-bike markets; in fact, the third largest (behind Belgium and the Netherlands and before Switzerland and Germany).

Fiona Bull博士將演說關於WHO對於騎單車帶來好處的看法,並連結到預防肥胖。照片來源/WHO


荷蘭,鹿特丹(Rotterdam)-第二屆WCF成功邀請到一系列的知名專家做精彩演講,其中一位是Fiona Bull博士,她是總部位於瑞士日內瓦(Geneva)的世界衛生組織(WHO)預防非傳染性疾病部門(NCD)的負責人。她將演說與商業相關的體能活動增加、疾病預防和永續交通方式,並說明自行車如何扮演之中的重要角色。

Taipei Cycle underlined that production is changing drastically and on massive scale. – Photo Bike Europe

Production Is Relocated on Massive Scale

TAIPEI, Taiwan - What last week's 2019 Taipei Cycle Show also clearly underlined is that the production of bicycles, e-bikes and bike parts and products is changing drastically and on a massive scale. Producers like Giant repatriating a part of its production to Taiwan from China, receive financial support from the Taiwan government. Also Vietnam is frequently mentioned as to where companies are relocating their production which is triggered by EU dumping actions and U.S. tariffs on China made e-bikes and other products.

電動自行車電池中的石墨烯鋰電池奈米技術最大特徵是能量密度大幅增加,甚至達2.5倍。照片來源/Bike Europe


荷蘭,杜廷赫姆(Doetinchem)-這一刻來臨了 !這場技術革命將徹底改變電池 ,包含電動自行車電池。它就是石墨烯鋰電池(Graphene-Lithium),石墨烯中的碳原子導電性良好,因此將石墨烯奈米技術應用在鋰電池上能創造出全新的特性。

World Bicycle Industry Association took part in last week’s United Nations’ Inland Transport Committee meeting. – Photo TIN News

World Bicycle Industry Association Joins United Nations Meeting on...

GENEVA, Switzerland - The in January 2018 founded World Bicycle Industry Association (WBIA) has been invited to attend the 2019 session of the United Nations' Inland Transport Committee (ITC). This meeting took place last week. The ITC is the highest policy-making body of the United Nations in the field of transport.

Anti-dumping tariff beginning to bite in terms of origin of e-bikes entering UK. – Photo Shutterstock

UK E-bike Imports Hold Steady in 2018 and Show Swing to EU

LONDON, UK - An analysis of the UK's HM Revenue and Customs trade statistics comparing Jan-Dec 2017 with the same period for 2018, detailing e-bikes entering the UK under CN code 8711 60 10 shows only a modest increase in the total of units entering the country. They increased from 62,544 to 63,673, year on year growth of around 1.8 percent.

McKinsey estimates potential of micromobility market in Europe to stand at between 100 billion to 150 billion USD in 2030. – Photo Volkswagen

McKinsey: Will MicroMobility Market Boom or Bust?

FRANKFURT, Germany - Is the buzz surrounding shared micromobility overwhelming its real-world potential? The business model has gained tremendous attention recently, as interest builds and new investment dollars flood into the space. But questions concerning the ultimate size and scope of the shared micromobility market have also emerged. The global management consulting firm McKinsey&Company made a thorough assessment of its potential.

近期業界中有在越南投資的企業眾多,像是KMC、Bohle/ Schwalbe、Astro、Kenda、DDK和A&J。照片來源/Bike Europe



RTE葡廠生產Decathlon的BTwin自行車。照片來源/RTE Linkedin/ Dariusz Duda, Lisbon Polish Investment and Travel Agency


葡萄牙,阿格達(Agueda)-葡萄牙的RTE S.A.將於2021年在波蘭設置一座自行車製造廠。RTE目前年產量介於120萬至140萬之間,是全歐規模最大的歐洲自行車組裝廠。該公司為Decathlon的獨家供應商,其執行長Bruno Salgado在一場近期的訪談中透露該公司在波蘭設置新廠的計畫。