14677 results



比利時,布魯塞爾(Brussels)-最新歐盟統計局數據證實,中國進口至歐盟的電動自行車數量遽增,如同EBMA秘書長Moreno Fioravanti所預言。儘管歐盟統計局是依據2017年1月1日新版CN代碼追蹤電動自行車進口的,但中國電動自行車於2017年1月至9月之間進口至歐盟市場的數量就超越了55萬輛。

Extra Energy總經理Hannes Neupert表示:「電動自行車市場尚處於幼稚園階段而已。」照片來源/Extra Energy

電動自行車專家Hannes Neupert評論Continental退出市場的決定

德國,坦納(Tanna)-Continental於11月中將退出電動自行車市場,同為Extra Energy總經理及自行車電動化主義者的Hannes Neupert,將此歸咎於汽車供應鏈因轉換至電動汽車遭受龐大壓力。他表示這導致企業在生存的壓力之下做出不明智的決定,與電動自行車市場並無關係。他說:「這塊市場還在幼稚園階段,就像1995年的手機市場一樣。」

Thun introduces the industry's lightest bb-set

Thun introduces the industry's lightest bb-set

Thun has reinforced its reputation for innovation yet again, this time by launching the lightest bb-set in the industry. Called SHORTY SL, this new super-lightweight bb-set has a completely hollow spindle. As a result, it weighs in at just 198 grams. This makes it particularly suitable for use in bicycles where weight is a decisive factor, such as children's bikes and foldable bikes.

(左至右)三位Comodule創辦人/軟體開發工程師Heigo Varik、銷售及產品經理Teet Traks和執行長Kristjan Maruste。照片來源/Comodule





日本,大阪(Osaka)-Shimano是否在電動自行車市場中有了新的技術突破?該公司在美國專利商標局(US Patent Office)提出電動自行車中置馬達與齒輪箱式變速器(gearbox)結合的專利。



德國,慕尼黑(Munich)-在觀看該公司碳纖維車架生產過程的影片時,腦海不禁出現以前工廠女工們手工將碳纖維布層層堆疊起來的畫面。不同的是現在這些都被機器人取代了,機器人能生產無膠合零件的單殼式結構(monocoque)車架,如Avero Inc看到的,這是碳纖維和零件製造上的大突破。

TBA主席在2020年台北自行車展的新聞發表會上表示:「台灣自行車產業正邁入一個新時代。」照片來源/Bike Europe


台灣,台中-台灣的電動自行車產業正飛速成長,台灣自行車協會(TBA)主席Michael Tseng在台中舉辦的2020年台北自行車展新聞發表會上也表示:「台灣的自行車產業正邁入新的時代。」

The EU is currently considering a temporary withdrawal of tariff preferences for Cambodia which will result in import duties on all bicycles made in Cambodia. – Photo Bike Europe

Cambodians Threaten to Relocate Bicycle Production to Neighboring...

BAVET CITY, Cambodia - EU's biggest bike supplier Cambodia could lose its preferential trading terms. The EU is currently considering a temporary withdrawal of tariff preferences for Cambodia based on human and labor rights criteria. A decision is expected to be announced early in 2020. The Cambodian Bicycle Coalition is renewing its call for the European Commission to not withdraw the country's 'Everything But Arms' (EBA) trade benefits.

Bike Europe影訊快播

隨著對於車架的需求爆增,電動自行車車架的複雜度也提升,歐洲現在在生產方面迫切需要革新,產量必須在短時間內迅速提高。(影片提供英文字幕) Video Platform

NECO往傳動零件領域發展,甚至因應趨勢研發電動馬達。照片來源/Bike Europe



Marwi將在台灣建設新廠。照片來源/Bike Europe


台灣,台中-Marwi Taiwan Industrial Co. 將在台中建設新廠,該公司將投入3億台幣(860萬歐元)。

Wouter Jager是Accell舊資深管理團隊最後幾位的其中一員。照片來源/RAI Vereniging


荷蘭,海倫芬(Heerenveen)-關於Accell的另一則消息,該集團似乎已結束調整煥新管理階層。該公司上一批管理團隊中最後幾位的其中一員於8月1日正式與團隊道別了,在全球零售總監Wouter Jager離開團隊之前已有好幾位管理同仁先退出。

You have essentially two choices when setting up an ecommerce website. You can either develop a unique website or subscribe to a website Hosted Solution company. – Photo Shutterstock

A Successful Website to Support all Channels

The heart of any successful direct-to-consumer (DTC) strategy is built around a great and effective ecommerce enabled website. Most companies we work with don't print paper catalogs anymore. They are expensive, their relevance has diminished, and we are all looking for ways to reduce waste and pollution with an eye toward a cleaner planet.

Red Dot Design Award winning bike made by thyssenkrupp with ‘dual-phase’ steel frame. – Photo thyssenkrupp Steel Europe

Will New Hi-Tech Steel Grade Revolutionize Frame Production in Europe?

DUISBURG, Germany - Is there a solution for the major problem that the rocketing e-bike sales in Europe is facing? That problem is in the limited availability of aluminum frames. Production in Europe has to increase; and fast. But starting (robotized) production of alloy frames is complicated. Steel is much easier to process. However, there's no going back to chromoly tubing. Is a new highly durable steel grade with higher strength and stiffness than aluminum with the forming capabilities of carbon offering the solution?



加拿大,蒙特婁(Montreal)-Eco-Counter已公佈其2019年全球自行車運動指數(Worldwide Cycling Index),其分析了分佈於39個國家的3,266台計數器在去年登錄的5.18億趟行程紀錄後,顯現出自行車運動的整體進展。Eco-Counter總監Jean-Francois Rheault在上月位於蒙特婁由New Cities舉辦的Wellbeing Cities Forum(譯:幸福城市論壇)中宣佈該分析結論,此論壇是由企業決策者討論並在城市主導的計畫上合作以改善都會生活。







Bosch eBike Systems執行長Claus Fleischer於2020年產品發表會上。照片來源/Michel de Chavanon

Bosch 為預防竄改電動自行車設定採取措施

德國,羅伊特林根(Reutlingen)-Bosch eBike Systems近期發表了2020年車款一系列的新功能,包含馬達、電池及無線連接。其中最重要的一項功能就是軟體裡的鎖定功能,可以防止設定被更改。

越南免稅出口之歐洲的產品當中自行車、電動自行車及零配件將佔很大一部分。照片來源/Vietnam Bicycle Exhibition


越南,河內(Hanoi)-延宕許久的歐盟-越南FTA終於在上週日完成簽署。歐盟部長理事會(EU Council of Ministers)同意了EVFTA及投資保護協定(EVIPA),因而才有6月30日於河內進行的簽署儀式。該協定預計會對(電動)自行車產業有很大的影響,因為中國自行車製造業正受到反傾銷稅的箝制。

2018 e-bikes sales in Belgium upped over 14 percent! – Photo Bike Europe

Market Report Belgium: E-Bikes Keep Growing

KORTRIJK, Belgium - That the Belgian people embraced e-bikes has already been established as a fact by recent market studies carried out by 'Velofollies', the country's biggest bicycle show. But that sales could grow even further to make up more than half of the bike sales of the country, had not been determined before. This is discovered by the 2018 market figures for Belgium.