14677 results

Alexander Thun

Thun at Eurobike 2018

Just as last year Thun will be present at Eurobike to exhibit its latest innovations (same location and booth number as in 2017).

Next to keynotes on digitalization, uniform product coding and data mining, Bike Europe’s Conference agenda offers case study on e-commerce in the US. – Photo Bike Europe

Speakers at Bike Europe's Online Sales Conference

FRIEDRICHSHAFEN, Germany - Main theme of this year's Bike Europe Conference is: Behind the Scenes of Online Sales. It has everything to do with the inevitable presence of online shopping consumers. What's needed to adjust to this market reality?

EU’s 2017 import of regular bicycles from China increased by over 50%. – Photo Bike Europe

Big Growth in Regular Bicycle Imports from China in 2017

BRUSSELS, Belgium - Is it because of state subsidies or "significant distortions" leading to benefits for, for instance, prices for aluminium? Are such state subsidies offered by the Chinese government making it possible that, despite the 48.5% anti-dumping duty next to an import tax of 14%, the import of regular bicycles from China grew hard in 2017?

Triangles預計在2020年達到全產能。照片來源/Bike Europe


葡萄牙,博拉利亞 (Borralha)-Triangles Cycling Equipment在歐洲生產鋁合金車架的計畫已進入下一 階段。該公司在2016年10月開始進行小批生產測試之後,已逐漸提高製造車架的數量及複雜度。

According to Internetstores Fahrrad.de service partners will be able to generate additional sales through final assembly of online ordered bikes. Photo Internetstores GmbH

Germany's Biggest Webshop 'Fahrrad.de' Moves to Omni-Channel

ESSLINGEN, Germany - Germany's biggest bicycle webshop 'Fahrrad.de' starts next May with what it calls "service partner network". With that the online provider of bicycles and bicycle products wants to start a cooperation with dealers as well as the mobile service company LiveCycle.

Tino Hildebrand, Vice President of Siemens, Taiwan ‘Digitalization is a must.’ – Photo Taipei Cycle Forum

Siemens: 'Time for Change; Become Digital'

TAICHUNG, Taiwan - Taipei Cycle Forum keynote speaker Tino Hildebrand, Vice President of Siemens, Taiwan explained in his presentation: "Consumers are changing. They demand flexibility and customized quality products. Data and digitalization is making this possible as it arrived in manufacturing.

New York City’s goal is to double number of active cyclists by 2020. – Photo

Breakthrough for E-Bike Legislation (and Use) in America

NEW YORK, USA - Last Tuesday, New York Mayor Bill de Blasio announced that pedal-assisted e-bikes will soon become legal to operate in New York City. As this decision comes after four years of striving to get legislation in place in New York, it's regarded as a breakthrough for e-bikes in America.

EU Parliament’s Committee on International Trade agreed to Pakistan’s GSP+ status for 2018 and 2019. – Photo EU

EU Renews GSP+ Status for Pakistan for 2 Years

BRUSSELS, Belgium - Pakistani exporters can enjoy duty free exports to the European Union for the next two years; 2018 and 2019. The European Parliament's Committee on International Trade (CIT) has agreed to this recently.

Test runs of bikes with the Continental eBike system in five Spanish cities. – Photo Continental

Conti Fits Cargo Bikes of Spain's Postal Service

HANOVER, Germany - Cargo bikes made by Bikelecing (BKL) and fitted with Continental's 48V eBike system are to make delivery processes more sustainable and convenient for the Spanish postal service 'Correos' in the future.

Taipei Cycle Forum 2018 is on the transition of Taiwan’s bike industry towards new online business models. – Photo Taipei Cycle Forum

Reminder for Tomorrow's Taipei Cycle Forum

TAIPEI, Taiwan - This is a reminder for tomorrow's, Friday March 23, Taipei Cycle Forum 2018. This Conference on the transition of the Taiwan bike industry towards new online focused business models, takes place at the Fullon Hotel - Liphao Land in Taichung, Taiwan.

Merida reports strong increase of e-bike revenues. – Photo Merida

Merida and Giant E-Bike Sales Accelerate

TAICHUNG, Taiwan - Merida's strategy to strengthen its market position in Europe by expanding its e-bike range is starting to pay off. Taiwan's second largest bicycle manufacturer is likely to increase its revenue this year thanks to growing demand of e-bikes in Europe.

Tino Hildebrand, Vice President of Siemens Taiwan will address Industry 4.0 production at Taipei Cycle Forum 2018. – Photo Siemens

Taipei Cycle Forum's Agenda Includes Keynote Speakers from Siemens...

TAIPEI, Taiwan - Next week's Taipei Cycle Forum, taking place on March 23 and 24 in Taichung, Taiwan, features an impressive line-up of keynote speakers. It includes bicycle industry insiders as well as highly respected specialists from other industries. Like from Siemens and Amazon.


破產的BionX Canada與投資者對談;歐盟服務中心維持營運

加拿大,多倫多 (Toronto)-BionX Canada Inc. 自2017年12月便在找尋投資者。根據該公司說法,由於該公司在二月申請破產,目前已有與投資者進行相關對談,不過尚未有定案。其歐洲的服務中心,同屬BionX Int'l Corp的兩家歐洲子公司在現階段將會照常營運。

Electrified Road and MTB Racing To Come To Europe

Electrified Road and MTB Racing Will Come To Europe

LAUSANNE, Switzerland - The e-bike market is expected to get a new boost now UCI member, the European Cycling Union (UEC) decided to create a race circuit for both e-MTBs as well as e-road in the next few years.

Shimano Nordic的新中心將包含自行車機械師及行銷業務的教育設施。照片來源/Shimano Europe

Shimano Nordic董事總經理表示:「線上銷售極為重要。」

瑞典,烏普薩拉(Uppsala)-Shimano Nordic董事總經理Andrew Cowan在Shimano Nordic銷售與教育中心正式啟用時表示:「自行車市場正經歷快速的轉變,全通路被認為是現有銷售管道之外的有趣分銷組合。管理線上銷售對於要在市場佔有一席之地並實現進一步成長是相當重要的。」

電動汽車不需水泵、增壓渦輪器及變速箱。促使汽車零件製造商轉往電動自行車發展。照片來源/Bike Europe


德國,漢堡 (Hamburg)-「四輪轉為二輪」可能是許多汽車零件供應商秉持的座右銘。電動自行車的興起以及汽車製造商走向電動化的趨勢,讓大批的汽車機械零件製造商該如何是好?他們會跟隨Bosch、Continental、Brose等的腳步嗎?換言之,自行車產業勢必接受汽車產業來襲嗎?

The Battery Experts Forum has developed into one of the largest of its kind in Europe. – Photos Battery Experts Forum

Lithium-Ion Trends Key Topic at Battery Experts Forum

ASCHAFFENBURG, Germany - Some 1,200 attendees are expected at the 15th Battery Experts Forum next week. Over 60 leading experts, developers, and researchers will report on the hottest trends in lithium-ion battery technologies. The key topic of the main session at this year's industry meeting is the "Global market for lithium-ion battery technologies".

Decathlon的B’Twin Village會是接手未來要從中國遷移的電動自行車生產據點嗎?照片來源/Decathlon

Decathlon (迪卡儂)將電動自行車生產移至歐洲

法國,里爾(Lille)-在體育用品零售巨頭Decathlon的自行車銷量中,電動自行車所佔比例仍不高,且其電動自行車皆還是在中國進行生產。不過該類生產因為會受到反傾銷稅的影響,所以將在2019年前移至歐洲,至於要移至哪一國家尚不確定。以上為Bike Europe在一次拜訪法國里爾分處的難得機會中所得到的消息。

Pradeep Kumar Aggarwal, Director of Spark Engineering, is new chairman of India’s Bicycle Panel. – Photo Spark Engineering

Pradeep Kumar Aggarwal Elected Chairman of India's Bicycle Panel

NEW DELHI, India - Pradeep Kumar Aggarwal has been elected Chairman of Bicycle Panel of Engineering Export Promotion Council (EEPC) of India, an organisation of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry.

Get your own copy of the ‘Best of Bike Europe’ in 2017. – Photo Bike Europe

Celebrate New Year With free download: 'Best of Bike Europe'

One topic dominated Bike Europe's news coverage over the past year. It was about consumer centricity which is leading the bike sector (particularly in the US and Europe) to omni-channel distribution. On this major strategy change this trade journal, in cooperation with the World Federation of the Sporting Goods Industry (WFSGI), organised an international Conference.