Eurobike explores transformation of cargo bike market from niche to mainstream

Eurobike explores transformation of cargo bike market from niche to mainstream
CCCB has been successful in bringing together 20 partners to stimulate the large-scale deployment of cargo bikes as a sustainable mobility option. – Photo Shutterstock

FRANKFURT, Germany - Cargo bikes have gone from niche to mainstream since the introduction of the City Changer Cargo Bike (CCCB) project which was commissioned in 2018. The project which aimed to exploit the limitless potential of cargo bikes, promoting their usage amongst public, private, and commercial users, is now coming to an end. The findings will be presented during a conference during Eurobike.

“Eurobike in Frankfurt is the place to be for the cargo bike sector,” explains Arne Behrensen, founder of, a partner of CCCB. “Messe Frankfurt is an international top address with a distinguished automotive tradition that is now becoming the new home of the bicycle industry. And in the streets of the city, the cargo bike revolution is already in full swing.”

Developed into a major fixture at Eurobike

In 2018, Eurobike offered the young and dynamic cargo bike sector a prominent international platform in the Cargo Area in Hall 8. Today it is a major part of Eurobike’s Future Mobility Hall in the new location in Frankfurt. More than 50 exhibitors will present the newest cargo bikes for private and commercial use. A new Cargo Area lounge and stage as well as the premiere of the Cargobike EuroCup at this year’s event also underline the growing relevance of cargo bikes. 

Supported by the Horizon2020 programme, CCCB has brought together 20 partners including cities, research institutions, NGOs, and industries from all over Europe in the quest to achieve a faster, more cost-effective and larger-scale deployment of cargo bikes as a sustainable mobility option. Since 2018, CCCB has raised awareness and supported the uptake of cargo bikes and cargo bike initiatives.

Cargo bike day at Eurobike

The 14th July is Cargo bike day at Eurobike, with a full programme of events looking at the learnings of the CCCB project and the impact it has had in 10 European cities that have used cargo bike programmes for city transformation. During the business panel, leading companies will share how the business of logistics and last mile services can be transformed by cycling. Advocates, business associations and EU institutions look at the lessons learned from CCCB and how they have become mainstream policy across Europe.

The CCCB project is also a fixture of the Eurobike Convention, which is being held on July 13th. Including speakers such as Dr Volker Wissing, MP, German Federal Minister für Digital and Transport, the conference will focus on "Designing the Future of Mobility" and will place bicycles and e-bikes as means of transport at the centre of the ecosystem of future mobility. The CCCB project will be celebrated in the cargo bike area at 18:00 at the close of this event.

Tickets can be bought through the Eurobike Portal.

The Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority has instructed Babboe to immediately cease distributing all their cargo bikes. – Photo Babboe

Accell Group suspends Babboe cargo bike sales as quality issues...

HEERENVEEN, the Netherlands - Babboe will stop selling its cargo bikes until further notice. The Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority has received numerous reports of frame breakage while cycling. When asked, "the bicycle manufacturer couldn't sufficiently demonstrate that certain models do not pose any safety risks."

One of the purposes of the survey is to track and build a database on the sales and market size of cargo bikes in Europe. – Photo

Cargo bike manufacturers and operators invited to participate in...

BRUSSELS, Belgium - European manufacturers and operators of cargo bikes are being called upon to participate in an online survey. Led by a group of bicycle associations including Cycling Industries Europe, the cargo bike surveys have been providing valuable insights since 2022.

The number of cargobike manufacturers increased rapidly. – Photo Bluemooov

French cargo bike production value increased 12-fold since 2018

PARIS, France - The French cargo bike market expanded rapidly in recent years. Many French companies saw the opportunity to assemble and sell their own models as shown in an industry overview published by the French cargo bike organization Les Boîtes à Vélo.

All 350 Danish IBDs receive an invitation to visit the annual Copenhagen Bike Show – Photos Bike Europe

Danes kick off tradeshow reboot with successful event in Copenhagen

COPENHAGEN, Denmark - Following a 2-year hiatus, the Copenhagen Bike Show opened its doors again last weekend making it one of the first cycling shows this year in Europe. Now corona restrictions are being lifted in a growing number of countries, more shows are expected to follow soon. So, does Denmark live up to its promise as a high potential market?