Market Reports

How many e-bikes were sold in Europe’s leading markets? Are bicycle exports from Taiwan continuing to decline? Bike Europe gives an insight into market developments in annual market reports. These cover the important indicators of key e-bike and bicycle markets such as unit sales and sales value and where relevant, production and import volumes. Filter below per country or year to find the desired report.
According to a study by the French association Vélo et Territoires, bicycle use increased by 5% in France by 2023, especially in the big cities. - Photo Cycling MontpellierSubscribers only
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Market Report

Subscribers only Like many countries in Europe, the French market recorded losses in...

PARIS, France - After four years of strong growth, the French market value of bicycle, parts, and accessories combined decreased by 5.5% in 2023. "There's a dichotomy between bicycle use, which is still growing steadily, and new bike sales, which are running out of steam this year," explained Jérôme Valentin, vice president of the Union Sport & Cycle at the presentation of the 2023 market data.

From left to right: Virgile Caillet, secretary general of the Union Sport & Cycle; Charles Levillain, administrator of Les Boîtes à Vélo; Jérôme Valentin, vice-president of the Union Sport & Cycle; Frédéric Hedouin, director of Corepile; André Ghestem, President of Shimano France and Denis Briscadieu, founder and president of Cyclelab. – Photo Union Sport & CycleSubscribers only
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Market Report

Subscribers only French market value up 5.2% as e-bike sector matures

PARIS, France - In a difficult economic environment, the French bicycle market has continued to grow in 2022 with cumulative sales of €3.6 billion, an increase of 5.2% over the previous year. The market is driven by sales of e-bikes with traditional bikes sales decreasing since 2016, according to the French Bicycle Observatory published by the association Union Sport & Cycle. In 2022, sales of e-bikes increased by 12% to reach a volume of 738,454 units.

A very optimistic Jérôme Valentin explained that the French consumers are still on the outlook for a new bicycle or e-bike. – Photo Michel de ChavanonSubscribers only
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Subscribers only French e-bike market share hikes to 25%

PARIS, France - Despite the COVID-19 pandemic and the shortages of bikes and components, the French market has recorded a strong increase in 2021. In the French Bicycle Observatory published by the industry organisation Union Sport & Cycle the total market volume increase by 3.9% to 2,789,545 representing a value of €2.215 billion, an increase of 15.1%.

Jérôme Valentin, president of the Union Sport & Cycle, during the video conference held in early April. – Photo Michel de Chavanon Subscribers only
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Subscribers only France sets new record with over 50% e-bike market share value

PARIS, France - The French bike market has seen a tremendous sales increase year in 2020. While the sport market was heavily impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic, the cycling industry generated a huge increase, with total sales hiking by 25% from 2,417 billion in 2019 to more than 3 billion last year. A record.

Jérôme Valentin, president of the Union Sport & Cycle, during the videoconference held mid-May, in Paris. - Photo Michel de ChavanonSubscribers only
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Subscribers only E-bikes continue to penetrate the French market

PARIS, France - The French market has recorded a new increase in bicycle sales in 2019 according to the French Bicycles Observatory published by the Union Sport & Cycle. Last year, the market reached a total of 2.329 billion euro, an increase of 10 percent. Bicycle sales represented 1.502 billion euro (+12.6 percent) for 2,652,099 units (- 2 percent), including 388,100 e-bikes. The P&A segment also increased with a turnover of 827 million euro (+ 5.9 percent). Thanks to the augmentation of the e-bike market, the average price is still growing at 566 euro compared to 493 euro in 2018.

Jérôme Valentin, president of the French Union Sport & Cycle, during the presentation of the French bicycles observatory 2018. – Photo Michel de ChavanonSubscribers only
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Market Report

Subscribers only E-bike sales also boomed in France last year

PARIS, France - Apart from Germany and the Netherlands where 2018 e-bike sales increased by close to 40 percent; France is the next market in Europe that saw a likewise development for electric bicycles last year. According to the statistics of the French Bicycles Observatory which were published

As in other EU countries, vast majority of e-bikes are sold by specialists’ shops. But new powerful rivals entered the market. – Photo Bike Europe Subscribers only
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Subscribers only French Market Reports Growth for 3rd Consecutive Year

PARIS, France - The French bike market has registered growth for the third year in a row. According to the French bicycle observatory

Market value in France reached its highest level (at € 1.7 billion) since 1999. – Photo Bike EuropeSubscribers only
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Subscribers only French Sales Value Reaches Record Height

The market value in France reached its highest level since 1999, although bicycle sales did not show as much progress in as 2015.

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Subscribers only French E-Bike Market Follows the European Trend Upward

PARIS, France - In volume and turnover the French bicycle market followed the European trend of growing business last year. Not only bicycles and accessories, but also e-bike sales are up substantially and becoming trend-setting. In 2014 the total value of the bike and P&A market increased by 7.5% to €1.616 billion.


French Market Can't Match Last Year's Growth

PARIS, France - The number of bicycles sold dropped below the 3 million threshold: 2.9 million bicycles were sold on French soil in 2012; a 9% drop over ...

Thierry Fournier, President of industry association CNPC, said: ‘Sales declined in 2012, but obviously cycling is increasing in all segments.’ - Photo Isabelle Leboeuf
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Subscribers only French Market Down, But E-Bikes Are Up

PARIS, France - The number of bicycles sold dropped below the threshold of 3 million: 2.9 million bicycles were sold on French soil in 2012; a 9% drop ...

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Subscribers only France 2011: After Five Years, Market Swings Up

PARIS, France - After five years of declines, the French bicycle market reversed its downward trend, with a 5.5% increase in sales volume over 2010 and ...


France 2010: IDB Regains Share in Declining Market

The bicycle business proved to be more resilient than other consumer sectors in France. Mostly attributed to widespread uncertainty on the countrys ...


<b>France 2009</b>: French Spend Less Money on Fewer Bikes

French streets are once again bustling with bicycles, particularly in the bigger cities. After many years of cars only, the French seem to have ...


<b>France 2008:</b> Slowly Reaction On E-Bike Trend (Part 2)

The current market situation in France is best reflected by Decathlons decision to postpone the opening of its own bike production facility in the ...


<b>France 2008:</b> IBD Gets Popular Again (Part 1)

The French bicycle retail channel is quickly changing, taking advantage of the rising popularity of the IBD. With the rising market share of dealers, ...


<b>France 2007:</b> Market Breaks Price Trend

PARIS, France The French bike market was dominated for years by supermarkets and the very cheap bikes they sell. That is changing fast. As distribution ...

Accell Group

<b>France 2006:</b> Big Changes

PARIS, France - Big changes are taking place in the French bike market. Supermarkets are losing interest in the sale of bicycles, while domestic ...