UK electric bike industry collective opinion bemoans, almost unanimously, the lack of the new harmonising regulation proposals to include a UK 'S-class' or speed pedelec. – Photo Susanne Brüsch

UK Harmonises Electric Bike Law with Europe

LONDON, UK - The UK has finally laid out in detail its proposed harmonisation legislation to bring its electric bike legislation in line with Europe. The Electrically Assisted Pedal Cycles (Amendment) Regulations 2015 will update the UK's original 1983 legislation, effectively scrapping the country's unique stance on electric bike legislation from January 2016.

The Whitepaper offers legal guidelines on pressing issues when designing, developing, sourcing, distributing and selling e-bikes, pedelecs and speed pedelecs on the European markets. – Photo Bike Europe/Bosch

All You Need to Know on E-Bike Regulations

AMSTERDAM, The Netherlands - Bike Europe has gathered all EU regulations on e-bikes, pedelecs and speed pedelecs. In this Whitepaper we present you a manageable overview on all you need to know on e-bike regulations.

We convinced the Commission to include testing of frames and forks in the new type approval regulation for e-bikes,’ says ETRA Secretary General Annick Roetynck. – Photo Bike Europe

ETRA and EU Commission Compromise on E-bikes

GAND, Belgium - The European Commission and ETRA have reached a compromise on the e-bike power limitation which no longer blocks market entry for different types of electric bicycles.

ETRA asked the European standardisation institute CEN to start the development of a European standard for vehicles like the Trikke. - Photo Trikke

CEN to Standardise Self-Balancing Vehicles

GAND, Belgium - The new Regulation on the type-approval of mopeds and motorcycles explicitly excludes self-balancing vehicles and vehicles without any seating position.

The new European Union type-approval legislation will apply to a large number of e-bike models.

Urgent Call for e-Bike Experts

GAND, Belgium - ETRA is in the process of developing a proposal for the European Commission aimed at improving the technical requirements for electric bikes that will remain in the new type-approval (e-bikes with motors of over 250W and assisted speeds of over 25 km/h).

ETRA Secretary General Annick Roetynck.

ETRA Meeting on e-Bike Type-Approval

GAND, Belgium - The European Two-Wheeler Retailers' Association (ETRA) invites the electric bicycle sector to their information meeting on the new rules following the new type-approval legislation the European Union has decided on a few weeks ago.

Article 2.2(g) of the new type approval, excludes ‘vehicles primarily intended for off-road use’. The exclusion sets no limit to the speed and the motor output for these vehicles.

'EU Opens Market for 500 W - 70 km/h MTB e-Bikes

BRUSSELS, Belgium - Selling a MTB styled 500 Watt - 70 km/h e-bike in Europe is made very easy with the new regulations on type-approval, which were approved by the European Parliament last week. The new Regulations allow the sale of such vehicles without any type-approval or homologation procedure! The European Union opens its markets for such MTB styled speed pedelecs causing serious safety risks, warns ETRA.

 The new legislation means that all e-bikes with more than 250 watts have to be regarded as motorcycles.

EU Vote Limits Pedelecs to 250 Watt

BRUSSELS, Belgium - Yesterday afternoon the European Parliament voted on the new type approval legislation on two- and three-wheel vehicles and quadricycles. The Parliament decided to keep the original European Commission proposal: only pedelecs with a maximum speed of 25 km/h and 250 watts power will remain exempt from motorbike regulation.

Will e-mountainbikes be excluded from the new type-approval?

ETRA: Safety Concerns for New E-Bike Type Approval

BRUSSELS, Belgium - The European Parliament is about to vote the review of the type-approval. In a dramatic appeal to all MEP's, ETRA urges them not to vote article 2.2(g) of the compromise text. According to ETRA, this article is an open invitation for electric bicycle manufacturers to circumvent the type-approval procedure. ETRA issues a stark warning that article 2.2(g) will produce serious safety risks.

BIO Intelligence Service who was asked by the European Commission for an impact assessment of the new Directive recently proposed a complete exclusion of electric bicycles from RoHS-II.

Proposal to Exclude E-Bikes from RoHS-II Directive

BRUSSELS, Belgium - Last year the European Parliament and Council included e-bikes that were previously excluded from the type-approval into the new Directive RoHS-II.