The new factory which is being built in Poland will house a 40m long ‘Airline’ assembly line provided by Holland Mechanics. – Photo Holland Mechanics

New Polish e-bike factory backed by Chinese home electronics giant

FRANKFURT, Germany - Poland is gaining relevance for e-bike assemblers and a new factory is on the horizon. Backed by NKI, a Chinese manufacturer of home appliances for the global market, Polana Bikes has ambitions to produce 80,000 e-bikes per year when fully up and running.

Hepha CEO Alex Thusbass shows off the new bike range during the brand’s Eurobike debut. - Photo Jo Beckendorff

German e-bike brand with own drivetrain makes Eurobike debut

FRANKFURT, Germany - After winning over industry insider Alex Thusbass as CEO in May 2023, the young Germany-based e-bike maker Hepha Bikes celebrated its exhibition premiere at this year's Eurobike.

Ties (left) and Taco Carlier, the founders and owners of the VanMoof brand. - Photo Jan Schaeferbrug

VanMoof: The rise and fall of a market disrupter

ZEIST, The Netherlands - Brothers Taco and Ties Carlier started VanMoof in 2009 because they wanted to change the world. VanMoof's innovative bicycles caused a stir worldwide and were embraced by more than 200,000 customers. The Amsterdam company rises to great heights, but crashes after 14 years due to quality problems, poor service and major financial problems. Here the chronological journey VanMoof has taken over the years is explored.

VanMoof managed to reach a different kind of audience thanks to their marketing. – Photo VanMoof

VanMoof enters Chapter 11 status after months of rumors

AMSTERDAM, the Netherlands - The district court of Amsterdam has granted VanMoof Global Holding B.V. preliminary suspension of payment (chapter 11 status). It marks the end of many rumours about the financial stability of VanMoof.

“We made an in-depth business evaluation of our activities in Europe,” stated Rad Power Bikes CEO and founder Phil Molyneux. – Photo Rad Power Bikes

Rad Power Bikes stops all activities in Europe

SEATTLE, USA - In a publication on its website, Rad Power Bikes has announced it will pull out of the European market. The company wants to focus on its home market in North America, "in order to be competitive and successful in the long term."

“I am impressed about the speed of product development in the bicycle industry,” says Porsche eBike Performance CEO Dr. Jan Becker at the Eurobike. – Photo Jo Beckendorff

Porsche sets future strategy for e-bikes

FRANKFURT, Germany - Porsche AG bundled its e-bike drivetrain activities under the umbrella of Porsche eBike Performance GmbH, which it founded in 2022. This includes the recently acquired brands Greyp and Fazua. The latter is celebrating its tenth anniversary this year, which is why the Eurobike presentation in Frankfurt was all about the lightweight e-MTB pioneer. However, the e-bike ambitions of the German company go beyond this. What can we expect from Porsche in the coming years?

Unibike operates a most modern factory, which was commissioned in 2021. – Photo Unibike

Neomouv takes over Portuguese production partner Unibike

LA FLECHE, France - To create more opportunities for growth and innovation in the booming e-bike market, the French e-bike brand Neomouv via its parent company VAxE, has taken over an 80% share of its Portuguese production partner Unibike.

The rapidly expanding cargo bike market made Baltik Vairas decide to develop its own dedicated production line. – Photos Bike Europe

Baltik Vairas transforms to highly efficient assembly partner

SIAULIAI, Lithuania – Baltik Vairas had been the single outpost of the bicycle industry in Lithuania and the other Baltic States for many years. Thanks to the modernisation of the company in the past decade it has now made the country one of the potential hot spots for the e-bike industry.

Part of the review is to determine whether injury to the UK industry would be likely to continue or recur if the measures were no longer applied. – Photo Shutterstock

British e-bike anti-dumping duties under review

LONDON, UK - The Trade Remedies Authority (TRA) has initiated a transition review this week into anti-dumping and countervailing measures on e-bikes imported in the United Kingdom from China. The TRA will determine whether dumping would be likely to continue or recur if the measures were no longer applied.

Cowboy co-founders Tanguy Goretti (left) and Adrien Roose (right) aim to increase the brand’s retail and service presence across the continent with the new partner model. – Photo Cowboy

Cowboy builds international IBD network for sales and improved service

BRUSSELS, Belgium – Direct to consumer e-bike brand Cowboy is increasing its offline footprint to offer additional retail and service solutions for new and existing customers. With the launch of its Retail Partner Network, the brand aims to partner with 300 IBDs in 60 cities across Europe by the end of this year.