荷蘭,宰斯特(ZEIST)-由歐洲自行車提倡協會(Cycling Industries Europe,簡稱CIE)舉辦的「產業數位解決方案」網絡研討會的講者 Bartek Czerwinski 在會上表示:「數據是產業目前缺少的一環,而自行車產業需要標準化。」新進企業在會中分享他們的構想,期望打造公平的競爭環境,推動自行車產業的數位化,使其與汽車產業的發展水平接軌。
荷蘭,宰斯特(ZEIST)-由歐洲自行車提倡協會(Cycling Industries Europe,簡稱CIE)舉辦的「產業數位解決方案」網絡研討會的講者 Bartek Czerwinski 在會上表示:「數據是產業目前缺少的一環,而自行車產業需要標準化。」新進企業在會中分享他們的構想,期望打造公平的競爭環境,推動自行車產業的數位化,使其與汽車產業的發展水平接軌。
德國,諾伊馬克特(NEUMARKT)-比利時歐洲投資公司Gimv NV於去年12月收購德國自行車及戶外照明廠Lupine Lighting Systems GmbH多數股權,交易金額未公開。
PARIS, France - As reported by several Swiss media, Paris-based arbitration tribunal of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) handed down its verdict regarding Scott Sports SA (or Scott Sports Group) ownership. According to the ruling made on 6 February, Beat Zaugg, who is still co-owner of Swiss bike and winter sports supplier, is to cede his 47% stake in the company to majority owner Youngone Corporation.
The 2025 Taipei Cycle Show will take place from March 26 to 29 at Halls 1 and 2 of the Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center. The event will bring together 980 companies from 35 countries across 3,600 booths, reinforcing its role as a hub for high-end bicycle supply chains, innovation, and sustainability.
LONDON, UK - The UK Government has accepted the recommendation to revoke anti-dumping and countervailing measures on imports of Chinese non-folding e-bikes to the UK. The measure which came into force from 7 February 2025 will open the market to cheaper e-bikes.
FRANKFURT, Germany - DJI was one of the biggest newcomers on the e-bike market last year creating a lot of rumor during the tradeshows. What makes the e-bike market so interesting for this leading manufacturer of drones which generates a multi-billion revenue? The introduction into the e-bike market was put in the hands of drone pilot and DJI Product Experience Director Ferdinand Wolf.
OTTOBRUNN, Germany - Porsche's e-bike drive systems manufacturing subsidiary has announced the appointment of Florian Klingseisen and Eric Sakalowsky to director-level roles. Klingseisen joined Porsche eBike Performance as director of project management last month, while Sakalowsky has taken up the role of marketing director. Dr Jan Becker, co-CEO of Porsche eBike Performance, welcomed the pair and said the firm was delighted with the hires.
HARD, Austria - Modular bike builder Simplon Fahrrad GmbH has successfully completed its restructuring process under self-administration. With the support of the previously announced new owner SOL Capital Management, Austria's second-largest bicycle manufacturer is now starting the upcoming cycling season in a stronger position.
Whyte, an award-winning challenger bike brand with over 25 years of innovation, has built a strong reputation for reliability and performance. Focused on delivering a high-quality riding experience at competitive prices, the company is now expanding its global reach.
TAICHUNG, Taiwan - Following allegations by LeMonde Diplomatique about indicators of forced labour according to the International Labor Organization (ILO) in the Taiwanese bicycle industry, the trade association Taiwan Bicycle Association (TBA) felt the urge to respond. "Taiwan as the crucial global supply chain has the responsibility to do things right in every aspect and we appreciate your effort in providing us the guidance and advice regarding the foreign labour issues," the TBA told Bike Europe.
EMSTEK, Germany - Pon-owned brand Kalkhoff is transitioning to low-temperature powder coatings in the painting process at its bicycle factory in Germany. This reduction in temperature brings significant benefits in terms of energy consumption and reduces CO2 emissions.
NEUMARKT, Germany - Last December, Belgium-based European investment company Gimv NV acquired an undisclosed majority stake in German bicycle and outdoor lighting producer Lupine Lighting Systems GmbH.
ZEIST, The Netherlands - "Data is the missing piece of the narrative, and there is a basic need for standardisation in the bicycle industry," declared speaker Bartek Czerwinski during the Cycling Industries Europe (CIE) hosted webinar on Digital Solutions for the Cycling Industry. Here, newcomers in the industry explained their ideas for creating a level playing field to bring the bike industry up to a digital level in line with its automotive counterpart.
TAIPEI, Taiwan - The number of new product introductions on tradeshows has always been a leading indicator of business performance. After some years of an extremely low level of new product introductions, the number of participants for the 2025 Taipei Cycle awards is growing again, marking an important development.
TAICHUNG, Taiwan - Frame manufacturer Astro-Tech Co., Ltd. has clearly outlined its strategic direction for its future development initiative. Astro-Tech president Samuel Hu gave Bike Europe a look into what these plans entail, which includes the construction of a new production facility in Vietnam, where Astro-Tech has been producing frames for 24 years.
比利時,布魯塞爾(BRUSSELS)-歐盟執行委員會(European Commission,以下簡稱執委會)於上週宣布,針對中國電動自行車續課反傾銷與反補貼雙稅,期限再延長5年。該會決定對各公司適用個別反傾銷稅率,稅率從9.9%(Giant Electric Vehicle)至70.1%(未配合調查公司)不等。
比利時,布魯塞爾(BRUSSELS)-隨歐盟新《電池法》(Batteries Regulation)於2023年8月上路,自行車產業對於其中關於可維修性的第11條規定格外關注。歐盟執行委員會(以下簡稱執委會)現已發布指引,以促進落實該法規,並針對廣受討論的單顆電芯更換議題提供進一步說明。
比利時,科特賴克(KORTRIJK)-在眾多企業陷入財務困境又面臨需求疲軟的歐洲市場當中,比利時是否為最有前景的市場?比利時產業協會Traxio-Velo秘書長Paul Glorieux在發布2024年市場數據時表示:「2024年對自行車產業來說並非危機之年。」
TAICHUNG, Taiwan - Any frequent visitor of bicycle industry factories in Taiwan, has seen that a lot of the workers come from countries like Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand or Indonesia. Often the signing in the factories is multi-lingual to facilitate the foreign workers. In a recent publication, LeMonde Diplomatique reports that they have found indicators of forced labour according to the International Labour Organisation (ILO), particularly in the Taiwan bicycle industry.