14677 results

For many years the most popular category of bicycles in Norway has been the mountain bike.

Steady Bike Market in Norway

OSLO, Norway - The bicycle season in Norway made a very slow start due to cold spring weather. Later in the summer the market did not manage to make up for the earlier losses. The Norwegian Sporting Goods Association (Sportsbransjen AS) estimates the total market for 2015 at 400,000 units, down 2.5% from 410,000 units last year.

Bulgarian Export Still Grows, Romania Stabilizes

Bulgarian Export Still Grows, Romania Stabilizes

SOFIA, Bulgaria - Bulgaria and Romania combined are among the most important bicycle suppliers for European countries. Together they exported 1,287 million units in 2014, most of them to Germany, France, and Belgium. At the same time domestic markets are growing in both quality and numbers.

After Taipei Amsterdam is to follow this year as the first European city that has a battery exchange system. - Photo Gogoro

E-Scooter Battery Exchange Project Starts in Amsterdam

TAIPEI, Taiwan - It's initiated by Taiwanese e-scooter maker Gogoro with the strong support by battery maker Panasonic and starts in Amsterdam. It's the first battery exchange project in Europe.

Look Cycle將取得法國碳纖維輪組專家Corima的大多數股份。 – Photo Bike Europe

Look Cycle併購Corima

法國,NEVERS- Look Cycle在昨天宣布該公司將併購Corima;這是一家法國碳纖維輪組的專業廠商。這項併購計畫是Look Cycle在2013年中宣布的野心勃勃計畫中的一部分。目標設定在透過併購擴展其現存的產品範圍與像是網球或是高爾夫球等其他領域多元化經營來倍增公司年營收到約1億歐元。

COBI創辦人 (從左到右): Andreas Gahlert、Carsten Lindstedt、Tom Acland 和 Heiko Schweickhardt。 – Photo COBI


德國,法蘭克福- 新創企業Connection Bike (COBI)已完成另外一輪募資,除了下列這家公司:Meinders & Elstermann - International Print & Mediaservices外,還從創投投資公司Munich Venture Partners (MVP)與其他並未明確提到的投資者那裡募得了近630萬歐元的資金。

Notwithstanding the fact that the new type-approval became definitely effective for e-bikes on 1 January 2016 there is a transition period. – Photo Bike Europe

New Type-Approval for Speed E-Bikes Now Effective

BRUSSELS, Belgium - The new type-approval for electric bikes became effective on 1 January 2016. Whereas e-bikes with assistance up to 25 km/h and a maximum continuous rated power up to 250 W come with a fairly informal "declaration of conformity", all other electric bicycles that are in the type-approval have to be delivered with a "certificate of conformity", which is fully regulated by the type-approval legislation.

As pollution levels in cities are rising to harmful levels India’s government starts pushing use of electric vehicles. Photo Indian Express

India Government Pushing E-Mobility as Pollution Levels Rise

NEW DEHLI, India - Currently India's e-bike and e-scooter markets is still in its infancy. But that has to change quickly as pollution levels in cities are rising to harmful levels. India's government is now starting to push the use of electric vehicles. It triggers companies like Okinawa Autotech to invest millions in this potentially huge market.

E-bike Importers Collective regrets that ‘new anti-dumping rules come too late as EBMA filed dumping complaint against imports of e- bikes from China based on ‘old’ unlawful rules.’ – Photo EU

E-Bike Importers on New EU Anti-Dumping Rules

GAND, Belgium - The Collective of European importers of electric bicycles has issued a statement on the announcement by the European Union that it will adopt new anti-dumping regulations by December 20 on which Bike Europe reported. The importers statement is here in full:

The new VanDijck models are available at the high-end shops that joined the exclusive dealer network.

Keola Goes Global From Its Solid Base In The Netherlands

AMERSFOORT, the Netherlands - In the coming years the Netherlands based e-bike manufacturer Keola will expand its dealer network and production capacity within and beyond the national borders at a rapid pace. In the Benelux, Germany, France and Denmark CEO Victor Weng expects to work with 400 dealers by the end of 2018. Especially for these dealers, Keola and E-Wheels Studio successfully introduced a new premium e-bike brand for the middle and higher segment: VanDijck, e-bikes with a typical Dutch design.

EBMA: once Bafang managed to build a reliable centre engine, Chinese producers were able to enter new and growing market segments like e-MTBs. – Photo Merida

EBMA's Dumping Complaint Document; Allegations Against Bafang

BRUSSELS, Belgium - The latest developments in the dumping case on e-bikes imported from China refer to Bafang; China's biggest maker of e-bike drive systems. The company has issued an official statement (see separate report) on the specific allegations against Bafang made by the European Bicycle Manufacturers Association (EBMA) in its Complaint document that has led to the instigation of the dumping investigation by the European Commission. These allegations are mentioned in this article while we also publish the EBMA Complaint document in full.

ECF's Swedish Member Achieves Government Funding for E-Bikes

ECF's Swedish Member Achieves Government Funding for E-Bikes

STOCKHOLM, Sweden - The Swedish Government has presented a budget for 2018 that includes a 25% subsidy for all e-bike sales up to 2021. This will boost e-bike sales in Sweden. And the Swedish example is now the benchmark for all European countries to follow. For example discussions on that started already in the UK while in Norway a generous subsidy scheme on e-bikes is already in place.

Toys ‘R’ Us於9月申請破產,嚴重影響了Dorel的收入。照片來源/Bike Europe


加拿大,蒙特婁( Montreal)-全球自行車市場持續疲軟、北美零售市場寸步難行,導致Dorel Sports第三季業績再度下滑。不過,Dorel總裁兼執行長Martin Schwartz仍抱持著樂觀態度,並表示:「此刻我們相信我們第四季度調整後的經營利潤應會與去年第四季度一致。」

華豐橡膠計畫投資4600萬美元拓展其在泰國的生產廠來製造摩托車及自行車輪胎。照片來源/Bike Europe

華豐橡膠 (Hwa Fong Rubber)於泰國建設新輪胎工廠

台灣,台北-根據Taipei Times近期某篇報導,因應成長需求,華豐橡膠股份有限公司計畫投資4600萬美元拓展其在泰國的生產廠。



荷蘭,杜廷赫姆 (Doetinchem)-幾年前,(重新)開始(合金)車架的生產成為了歐洲自行車產業的一個話題。 在歐洲投資並建廠生產車架被認為是替產業供應鏈增加彈性很重要的一步。這概念很快就被廣為接受,並開始採取行動。以下是目前的相關更新訊息。

高速電動輔助自行車在比利時將不再需要保險。照片來源/Klever Mobility


比利時,布魯塞爾-比利時電動自行車的普及已經達到了歐洲的最高水平,全國工業組織Traxio的Philippe Decrock說:「現今售出的每兩輛自行車中就有一輛是電動自行車,而兩年前則三輛中才有一輛電動自行車。」

LEVA-EU & Bike Europe meeting on e-bike rules and regulations evoked many questions. – Photo Bike Europe

European E-Bike Rules Evoke Lots of Questions

FRIEDRICHSHAFEN, Germany - Companies manufacturing, distributing or selling electric bikes in Europe may get lost in a maze of rules and regulations. These complicated regulations come with: type-approval, CE-standards, EMC, Machinery Directive, helmet obligation, insurance, traffic codes etcetera. It became obvious that e-bike companies still have a lot of questions on these regulations, taking into account all the questions asked during the Information Meeting at Eurobike organised by LEVA-EU and this trade journal.

印度TI Cycles總經理Arun Alagappan及Dorel Sports國際銷售部高級副總裁Jeff Weiss在Eurobike簽署了授權協議。照片來源/Bike Europe

印度的TI Cycles製造Schwinn兒童自行車

德國,腓特列港(Friedrichshafen)-印度的TI Cycles及Dorel Sports已共同簽署為印度市場生產Schwinn兒童自行車的授權協議。

ZIV’s MD Siegfried Neuberger noted that total e-bike sales in Germany will hit the 700,000 mark this year. – Photo Bike Europe 

Once Again E-Bikes Prove to Be Industry's Trump Card

FRIEDRICHSHAFEN, Germany - Europe's biggest e-bike market will grow this year by over 12%. Total sales will end at  700,000 units over 2017. However, there's a downside to this success - regular bicycle sales dropped by 8.5% in the first half of 2017.

The EPAB-001 has to pave the way on the global market for Nidec Copal. – Photo Nidec Copal

Japanse Nidec Copal Expands to Global E-MTB Market

KYOTO, Japan - After a successful experience of providing e-bike systems in Japan for more than 5 years, the electronic motor manufacturer Nidec Copal recently made its entrance on the European market. Nidec's products for a smart e-bike will be on display at Eurobike.

Speedliner Mobility AG接管了受挫的Euro-Bike。照片來源/Speedliner

Speedliner Mobility收購破產的自行車製造商Euro-Bike

德國,采爾布斯特(Zerbst)-自行車製造商Euro-Bike的未來已被位於Bremen的Speedliner Mobility AG接管。BBL Bernsau Brockdorff的管理人Christian Heintze博士說:「Speedliner提出了最具說服力的概念,作為產業內部人士,我們將其視為最佳合作夥伴。」