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WFSGI Bicycle Committee looks back on an exciting and challenging year at Taipei Cycle meeting. – Photo Bike Europe

WFSGI To Report on Newest UCI Rules at Taipei Cycle

OSTERMUNDIGEN, Switzerland - The World Federation of the Sporting Goods Industry (WFSGI) is inviting industry professionals to its public information meeting taking place at the Taipei Cycle Show on Wednesday, March 22, 2017. Here the WFSGI will inform on its collaboration with the UCI about further developments with regards to technical rules and regulations.

World Cycling Forum keynote speaker Ronald van Klooster will describe current and near future changes taking place at the dealer model distribution chain. – Photo Bike Europe

World Cycling Forum Digs Deep into Online Distribution Strategies

The Netherlands/Switzerland - The Conference that is organized by the World Federation of the Sporting Goods Industry (WFSGI) and Bike Europe puts the cycling industry's near future into perspective. That future will be dominated by online ordering consumers. What changes this brings to the sector will be described by a series of expert speakers. They will narrow down that future perspective with detailed presentations on distribution strategies, on supply chain changes, on outsourcing and many others.

UK's bicycle imports dropped by close to 11% in 2016. - Photo Bike Europe

Unexpected Decline in UK Bicycle Imports

LONDON, UK - The latest statistics indicate that bicycles coming into the United Kingdom suddenly declined last year, while export shows a strong growth. According to custom's records the total bicycle imports were extremely consistent between 2012 and 2015, hovering around 3.5 million units, but for the calendar year 2016 total import units fell to almost 3 million. The actual percentage decrease was almost 11% from 2015 to 2016.

 英國自行車進口量在2016年下降了將近11%。照片來源/Bike Europe



Sweden: E-Bike Sales Up Big

Sweden: E-Bike Sales Up Big

STOCKHOLM, Sweden - A cold and chilly start to the pre-season never stimulates bicycle sales. But 2016's hot and rain-free late summer helped in a big way. What's more, this year the Swedish krona has been relatively stable against the dollar and euro. That boosted the spirits of the players on the Swedish market while an increase in sales of more expensive bikes and a continued increase in e-bike sales did that even more.

歐盟更新了電動自行車及高速電動輔助自行車的CN code。照片來源/Bike Europe

商業快訊-歐盟更改電動自行車的進口稅則號別(CN code)

比利時,布魯塞爾-根據歐盟的CN code,所有進入歐盟的進口商品都會被追蹤,而且所有商品的進口、傾銷和規避稅則都能透過CN code查到。從今年1月1日開始,高速電動自行車和高速電動輔助自行車(S-pedelecs)的代碼已更新。若填入錯誤的代碼,可能會造成接下來一連串的後果。這不僅影響到財政業務,相關的關稅、禁令及限制、進出口許可證和許可證要求、文件規定和申報特定措施的義務等皆會受影響。

目前所有鋁車架生產都是在亞洲進行,不過現在改變了。照片來源/Bike Europe



Verdicts casted by EU High Court in Luxembourg. - Photo EU High Court

EU High Court Verdicts in Dumping Cases on City Cycle and Chin Haur

BRUSSELS, Belgium - Earlier today the EU High Court in Luxembourg placed verdicts in two appeal cases on the anti-circumvention by transshipment operations of the anti-dumping duties for China made bicycles exported to the member states of the European Union. Bulgarian bike maker Maxcom Ltd, the Council of the European Union and the European Commission filed for the appeal against the Sri Lankan company City Cycle Industries and Chin Haur Indonesia.

Phylion自2006年起已銷出超過三百萬個電動自行車電池,成為業界其中一家領先企業。照片來源/Bike Europe

Phylion Battery EN 15194:2017通過TÜV Süd認證

中國,蘇州-電池製造商Phylion近日收到TÜV Süd的技術報告,聲稱該公司現已正式通過EN ISO 13849-1:2015 (PL c, category 2)及EN 15194:2017 clause 4.3.22。



比利時,布魯塞爾(Brussels)-現在大局已定,反傾銷稅將會從明年一月開始徵收。看來最高達79.3%的稅收政策已突破最後障礙。這結果是歐盟貿易救濟措施委員會(Trade Defense Instruments Committee)的各成員國代表在上週二會議做出的決定,他們投票支持歐盟執委會對中國進口電動自行車徵收反傾銷稅。

Two main factors cause rapid growth of e-bike motor supply. – Photo Bike Europe

Is E-Bike Motor Market Getting Overcrowded?

TAIPEI, Taiwan - At last July's Eurobike it was clearly noticeable; the earlier this month held Taipei Cycle Show once more underlined this trend. It's about the fact that the number of e-bike motor providers continues to grow strongly. Among the newcomers are some formidable multi-billion euro multinationals with a long history of serving the car industry. Taipei Cycle 2018 again showed that e-bike motor supply continues to grow strongly. Is the motor market becoming overcrowded?

Accell Hunland生產的Raleigh bikes。Pon Holding目標是成為Accell Group的長期股東。照片來源/Bike Europe


荷蘭,阿爾梅勒(Almere)-Pon在去年四月試圖收購Accell Group,不過最後宣告失敗,但是現在Pon又重啟這個計畫。這家擁有Pon Bike Group及多家(汽車)進口企業的控股公司計畫以每股19歐元來收購Accell Group百分之二十的股權。

Draft proposal emerged indicating EU to impose combined anti-dumping and anti-subsidy duty of 79.3% on import of China made e-bikes. – Photo Steelmintgroup

Draft Proposal: EU To Impose 79% Anti-Subsidy & Dumping Duty on China...

BRUSSELS, Belgium - Last Tuesday, a report emerged in Brussels on a draft proposal prepared by the investigators who carry out the anti-dumping and anti-subsidy investigations that relate to imports of electric bicycles from China. This draft proposal indicates that the European Union is to impose an overall combined anti-dumping and anti-subsidy duty of 79.3 percent on the import of e-bikes made in China.

Experience, that's what it is all about in Rose’s Biketown. When it comes to road bikes, real asphalt certainly contributes to that experience. - Photo’s Hans Prinsen

Best Practice in Omni-Channel: Rose Biketown Offers Ultimate Cycling...

BOCHOLT, Germany - The aim of Rose Biketown in Bocholt is to experience cycling. Given the almost 250,000 people who visit the store every year, Rose is successful. What makes Rose Biketown unique however, is that owner Erwin Rose has implemented the omni-channel concept in detail. In terms of experience, price and product information, the physical store seamlessly merges into the webshop. And vice-versa.

Bike Europe will be on hand at the Taipei Cycle. – Photo Bike Europe

Meet Bike Europe at Taipei Cycle Show

TAIPEI, Taiwan - Bike Europe and the bike dealer magazine for the Netherlands and Belgium, Tweewieler (both trade journals published by Vakmedianet), will be on hand at the 31th Taipei Cycle.

Sources in Brussels state Bike Europe report on outcome of anti-subsidy and anti-dumping investigations is correct. – Photo Shutterstock

LEVA-EU: Bike Europe's Report on 79% Anti-Subsidy & Dumping Duty Is...

BRUSSELS, Belgium - Yesterday, Bike Europe published BREAKING NEWS on Draft Proposal: EU To Impose 79 Percent Anti-Subsidy & Dumping Duty on China E-Bikes. According to the European branch of the Light Electric Vehicle Association (LEVA-EU) that operates on behalf of the Collective of European Importers of Electric Bicycles, our report is not correct and is creating panic and unrest in the sector. However, sources in Brussels indicate that Bike Europe's report is not wrong.



比利時,布魯塞爾(Brussels)-歐盟執委會透過貿易政策對柬埔寨(及緬甸)的法治及人權相關議題施壓。歐盟執委會貿易專員Cecilia Malmström於上週五表示:「這兩個國家有可能喪失適用歐盟普遍化優惠關稅措施(Generalized System of Preferences Plus Arrangement)的資格。」若歐盟確定這麼做,這對柬埔寨大量進口到歐盟的自行車將造成不利。

Van de Camp expressed serious concerns about ongoing e-bike anti-dumping investigation. – Photo CDA

Dutch Member European Parliament: E-Bike Dumping Investigation is...

BRUSSELS, Belgium - In their opposition against the ongoing anti-dumping investigation on China made e-bikes, the Collective of European Importers of Electric Bicycles, gets support from the Dutch Member of the European Parliament Wim van de Camp. In an open letter dated November 8 to the EU Trade Commissioner, Cecilia Malmström, he expressed serious concerns about the ongoing anti-dumping investigation.

E-bike batteries have reached such high energy levels that repairs and manipulation must be avoided unless required safety tests can be carried out.  – Photo Bike Europe

German Industry Association Warns for Offers on Battery Repairs

BAD SODEN, Germany - In an unusual public statement, the German industry association ZIV (Zweirad Industrie Verband) strongly advises against resorting to repair offers for e-bike batteries that cannot prove to have passd UN tests as well as against the manipulation of batteries and against the use of such manipulated batteries. "People endanger themselves and others and also lose the manufacturer's warranty," ZIN warns.

Drive C是專為都會自行車設計的。照片來源/Bike Europe


德國,柏林(Berlin)-Drive C是Brose的第五個電動自行車系統,專為都會使用設計的。其大小與Brose其他鋁製驅動系統相同。Drive C的360度安裝位置給了電動自行車開發人員很大的設計空間。