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Wayel Reflects Italian Elegance and Comfort

Wayel Reflects Italian Elegance and Comfort

The Futura is the latest development from Italian Wayel who claims that technology and power come with elegance, comfort and quality components.

在網站的標題上寫著:「Subscribe or click here for Bike Europe’s digital edition」,就是通往數位版雜誌的連結。

Bike Europe雜誌數位版已經上線

荷蘭,阿姆斯特丹- 每個月印刷出版的Bike Europe雜誌現已數位化呈現在www.bike-eu.com。在網站的標題上寫著:「Subscribe or click here for Bike Europe's digital edition」,就是通往數位版雜誌的連結。

According to Humpert, the maximum permitted total weight of 100 kg as stipulated in the DIN/EN 14764 safety standard is not sufficient in the case of e-bikes.

Humpert's Approved Replacement E-Bike Parts

Handlebar specialist Humpert compiled a list of e-bike components to make it easier for retailers to choose safe and approved handlebar and stem combinations in case of replacement.

事實證明,PressCamp的模式能夠以非常合理的價格,提供較小型公司一個大型公司規模的曝光度。 – Photo PressCamp


美國,LAGUNA NIGUEL- 5年前開始的成功概念展PressCamp每年都在夏天舉行,主辦單位Lifeboat Events宣佈發表了冬天版本的PressCamp。



荷蘭,阿姆斯特丹- 歐盟決定對印尼、馬來西亞、斯里蘭卡和突尼西亞等四個國家進口至歐盟之自行車課徵反傾銷稅。此舉讓人不禁想問到底是什麼原因促使歐盟採取此種策略。



比利時,布魯塞爾- 歐洲自行車製造商協會(EBMA)已撤回對中國政府補助其自行車業者的貿易干擾手段之指控。據說EBMA是在極高的政治壓力下而撤回該指控。

Shimano Benelux MD Erik Naberman shakes hands with Claudia Wasko, Head of Sales and Service at Bosch e-bike systems. - Photo: Shimano/Bosch

Shimano Benelux New Service Partner For Bosch

NUNSPEET, the Netherlands - Shimano Benelux is the new service partner of Bosch e-bike systems for bicycle retailers in the Benelux as of July 1. The company will be responsible for the helpdesk in local languages and logistics services, including inventory management and delivery of goods to retailers.

Copenhagenize Consulting的Mikael Colville-Andersen是今年ISPO Innovation Forum的演講佳賓 - Photo Copenhagenize Consulting

ISPO Bike 聚焦在城市及電動交通工具

德國,慕尼黑- 2013年ISPO Bike將著重其做為城市交通議題的資訊平台。車展的亮點是7月26日舉行的ISPO Innovation Forum,該論壇主題為「全球網絡-城市自行車。」



印度新德里- 世界最大運動用品(包括自行車)零售商在印度投資1.3億美元開拓其連鎖零售市場。印度外國投資推廣委員會(FIPB)最近期同意了Decathlon Sports的申請。由於印度立法的改變,同意讓外國公司全資擁有在印度的子公司,使得Decathlon可以在印度建立其連鎖零售事業。



美國,芝加哥- 等了好久,SRAM終於在公路車上將11段變速系統與油壓煞車系統結合在一起了。

Mintel: ‘The tide appears to have turned in central and local government in terms of their attitudes towards the provision of cycling facilities in the UK.’ - Photo Bike Europe

British Bicycle Market Expands by 8.5% in '12

LONDON, UK - The British have picked up cycling as mode of transport enthusiastically. Although the market has not performed as well as expected by industry insiders, the total market valued €823 million in 2012, an increase of 8.5% compared with 2011 (only bike sales).

Integrated LED lights will also be big at Taipei Cycle.

Chen Wa Integrates LED Lights in Fenders and Grips

Integrated LED Lights in various components were a trend at the 2012 Taichung Bike Week. Chen Wa was one of the companies there showing such products. Integrated LED lights will also be big at Taipei Cycle.

The M25 is completely integrated into the bicycle frame and compatible with nearly every brake and shifting configuration. - Photo TranzX

TranzX Presents Micro Central Motor

TAIPEI, Taiwan - At last week's Taipei Cycle TranzX presented its first central motor to bely its e-bike origins through its size and shape and appealing design: the M25.

With the Power Forum Taipei Cycle wants to offer a platform for the relatively new e-bike and LEV business. - Photo Bike Europe

Taipei Power Forum: Platform for E-Bike Business

TAIPEI, Taiwan - As e-bikes sales in Europe continues to grow and is expected to boom globally in the years ahead, Taipei Cycle wants to offer a platform for this relatively new business.

The production number of the brakes involved in the replacement is shown on the brake caliper. - Photo Magura

Magura Recalls MT6 and MT8 Brake Levers

BAD URACH, Germany - A potential fault source in part of a production batch affecting the disc brake range MT6 and MT8 made Magura decide to issue a product recall. The fault could potentially result in a loss of brake pressure which can occur when the brake is exposed to very cold temperatures.

In the past years the industry has been confronted with technical regulations by the UCI. - Photo UCI

WFSGI Meeting on UCI Issues At Taipei Cycle

TAIPEI, Taiwan - The World Federation of the Sporting Goods Industry (WFSGI) invites industry visitors of the Taipei Cycle Show to attend the seminar on the work of the four WFSGI Bicycle Committees.

"This makes these carbon cranks distinctive, eye catching"

Miranda Unveils White Finish Crank

The Miranda carbon crank for e-bikes was presented at Eurobike 2012, with a natural carbon fiber texture and graphic finish. Now, Miranda introduces a new version, with a white finish.

The sporting goods sector in Europe took some hard blows in 2012.

Bad Year for European Sports Retail Sector

BRUSSELS, Belgium - According to the European data bureau Eurostat, revenues of European retailers dropped close to 2% in 2012 compared to 2011. The sports sector showed a much harder drop which is estimated at about 6%.



日本,東京- Shimano的 KPI財務指標都清楚地表示自行車零件巨擘Shimano在2012年有個豐收的一年。該公司還提到2013年即將在創造全新自行車文化之領域獨領風騷。但是否將跨足電動自行車仍是未知數。

舊日時光:2011年2月,Derby Cycle AG執行長Mathias Seidler於法蘭克福證交所慶祝其掛牌上市。


德國,CLOPPENBURG- 德國Pon控股公司(該公司為荷蘭Pon控股公司100%持股之子公司)已於去年12月28日取得Derby Cycle AG所發行之最後5%股權。這樣一來,Pon就成為Derby之唯一持股股東,同時也是德國最大的自行車製造商,Derby並將於近期從法蘭克福股市中下市。