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Cycling Summit: A Milestone in Cycling Advocacy and Business!

Cycling Summit: A Milestone in Cycling Advocacy and Business!

With more than 20 transport Ministers and Secretary of States sitting in one room and discussing cycling, the first-ever informal EU Cycling Summit (7/10/2015) was a big milestone for cycling advocacy.

Background of newcomer in e-bike systems Fendt E-Motoren is in manufacturing agricultural equipment like tractors. – Photo Bike Europe

Another Automotive Major Steps in E-Bikes

NANJING, China - After Bosch, Brose, Pon and others another automotive major has been stepping into electric bikes. The company did it low profile in 2014 and also at last August Eurobike still did not want to stand out. However at Asia Bike, the show in Nanjing, China that closed its doors last Monday, it displayed its e-bike system more openly.

Veloyo service infrastructure will be at the service of consumers with a broken down bike. – Photo Veloyo

Digital Tool for Intelligent Bike Service

HAMBURG, Germany - Despite major investments in cycling infrastructure servicing a bike is as complicated for cyclists as ever before and filled with unnecessary time consuming tasks for mechanics.

POC在2014年銷售創記錄,約為3480萬美元(3080萬歐元)。 – Photo POC


美國,鹽湖城- Black Diamond今年10月8日正式宣布完成出售瑞典滑雪和自行車服飾公司POC給 Investcorp Group (Dainese的母公司)的交易。Dainese是一家義大利摩托車和登山車的運動服飾公司。

中國擁有最大的自行車共享系統,在單一城市場有高達9萬輛自行車提供服務。-Photo Bike Europe


德國,慕尼黑- 在今年6月自行車城市大會和展覽表現亮眼:自行車共享系統營運商目前到底有多少個。自從JCDecaux和巴黎市議會在2007年開始採用Vélib以來,目前全球已有超過600個城市採用公共自行車概念,預計將成長為數十億歐元的商機。

Swiss E-Bike Train Again Running at Full Speed

Swiss E-Bike Train Again Running at Full Speed

SOLOTHURN, Switzerland - As in other European countries also the Swiss bicycle industry benefited of much better weather conditions compared to 2013. That resulted in much improved sales. However, a wet summer prevented even better results.

The Advocacy Summit at Eurobike brings together ECF supporters and industry members. – Photo Bike Europe

Advocacy Summit 2015 to Reveal Remarkable New Project

FRIEDRICHSHAFEN, Germany - At Eurobike the Advocacy Summit tomorrow on Thursday 28th August is the peak event for industry and advocacy collaboration, bringing together key ECF supporters and industry members to discuss how to strengthen and develop the sector.

German automotive supplier Rehau enters the bicycle industry with a new frame building technology. – Photo Rehau

Automotive Supplier Rehau Presents Advanced E-Bike Frame Production...

REHAU, Germany - In close cooperation with Storck Bicycle and the Institute of lightweight and Polymer Technology (ILK) of the TU Dresden, German automotive supplier Rehau enters the bike industry with a new frame building technology. It is called 'nam:e' and will be presented at Eurobike.

只有序號是RA16和RA17開頭的電池受到影響而被召回。 – Photo KTM


奧地利,MATTIGHOFEN -電池製造商松下和KTM因電池的問題在一份聯合聲明中宣布將2013年式電動自行車與輪轂馬達自願性召回。

The European Cyclists Federation’s EU Roadmap for Cycling is included in the European Commission’s Work Programme for 2016.

European Strategy for Cycling in the Making

BRUSSELS, Belgium - On July 14th the members of the European Parliament's Transport and Tourism committee recommended to include the European Cyclists Federation's EU Roadmap for Cycling in the European Commission's Work Programme for 2016. It represents a major breakthrough for ECF's Cycling Industry Club main objective to get more people on bikes more often.

This time Velo-city was visited by a big delegation from the industry. They joined industry-related sessions like ‘Cycling for European Growth’. - Photo Bike Europe

EU Transport Commissioner at Velo-city: 'Cycling Potential Still...

NANTES, France - June 2 Velo-city 2015 kicked off in the French city of Nantes which is recognized for its pro-cycling policy. The 4-day Conference is visited by over 1200 policy-makers for infrastucture as well as the bike industry.

Brompton Docks stated aim is to become the only bicycle scheme in the world to operate without government grants or subsidies. – Photo Brompton

Brompton Expands Fully Automated Hire Points Network

LONDON, UK - Brompton Bike Hire announced more seven hire points called Docks will be rolled out over the summer. This will include two new London locations as well as in Birmingham and Bristol. Brompton Docks were officially launched in 2011 with the stated aim of becoming the only bicycle scheme in the world to operate without government grants or subsidies.

歐盟委員會對來自柬埔寨、菲律賓和巴基斯坦進口到歐盟的自行車,除少數幾家企業,決定對其課徵反傾銷稅。- Photo Bike Europe


比利時,布魯塞爾- 歐盟委員會對來自柬埔寨、巴基斯坦和菲律賓的自行車課徵反傾銷稅。只有三家柬埔寨企業(包括A&J、Smart Tech和Speedtech Industrial)和來自菲律賓的Procycle Industrial排除在外。

Sales of speed e-bikes accelerated with 250% growth in the first four months of the year in the Netherlands. – Photo Bike Europe

Speed E-Bike Sale Accelerating in the Netherlands

DOETINCHEM, THE Netherlands - Speed e-bike sales is really taking off in the Netherlands this year. Growing public awareness of this new category of electric bicycles as well as a growing offering appears to have an accelerating effect on sales.

荷蘭今年前四個月高速電動自行車的銷售成長了250%。– Photo Bike Europe


荷蘭,DOETINCHEM- 今年荷蘭高速電動自行車的銷售真的起飛了。有越來越多民眾注意到這個電動自行車新類別,再加上車款的選擇也增加了,似乎都加速了銷售情況。 電動自行車在荷蘭已經是個很成功的產品,看起來高速電動自行車或是高速電動輔助自行車將會是另一個成功的故事。特別是當銷售量成長2.5倍的情況之下。

Wider ‘plus’ size tyres are said to provide more grip combined with the added performance of suspension. – Photo Schwalbe

New Trend Arriving in MTBs?

AMSTERDAM, the Netherlands - Last weekend the Sea Otter Festival in Monterey, California, saw the introduction of the new category of 'plus' size MTB tyres. The oversized tyres provide additional suspension without having to comprise usability. A hype or a new trend in Mountainbiking?

The Asia Bike Alliance is initiated by China Bicycle Association President Ma. – Photo Bike Europe

Asia Bicycle Alliance To Be Founded at Next Week's China Cycle

SHANGHAI, China - Preparation started already last October in Kunshan, China when Asian business leaders and officials of industry associations met for the first time. Next Tuesday, one day before the opening of the China Cycle Show, the Asia Bicycle Alliance will be installed officially.

上星期五,有七位創始人一起慶祝Flander自行車谷正式動土典禮。– Photo Flanders' Bike Valley


比利時,BERINGEN- 過去幾天以來,比利時自行車業的亮點不只是Flanders巡迴賽。上星期五,有七位創始人一起慶祝Flander自行車谷正式動土典禮。

With the app integration Ford MoDe: Me folding e-bikes must create a special cycling experience with vibrating grips and automatically activated indicators. – Photo Ford

Ford e-Bikes with Special Features Becoming Reality

BARCELONA, Spain - At the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona which is closing its doors today, Ford has launched two electric folding bikes that fit into their cars. They are not just some 'folders', but very special ones that ingeniously connect to smartphones for establishing very special features.

Shimano made its e-bike components available for sportive off road riding. – Photo Shimano

Shimano Launches Next Generation of Steps

OSAKA, Japan - A drive unit with full automatic shifting is one of the main innovations of Shimano's next generation Steps e-bike group set. Other updates include a new display, faster and more versatile charging options and an additional matte black color option.