14680 results

Taichung Bike Week Heading for New Dates

Taichung Bike Week Heading for New Dates

Have you already planned your trip to the next Taichung Bike Week? Make sure that you have booked the correct dates as all indicators clearly show a preference for

Management Buys Lazers Bicycle Helmet Division

Management Buys Lazers Bicycle Helmet Division

The Lazer bicycle division has been purchased from Lazer SA by its managers Sean van Waes (division manager) and Peter Steenwegen (sales manager). The new company, Lazer Sport NV, will be based in Antwerp Belgium. Thanks to our success in the

<b>Sweden 2009:</b> Retail Chains Riding Out

<b>Sweden 2009:</b> Retail Chains Riding Out

There are few markets in the world where good or bad weather has more influence on bike sales than Sweden. Conditions in spring and summer more or less determine the sale in bikes and bike accessories. 2009 proved perfect



雖然尚未敲定,但在歐洲議會允許e-Bike使用更強大電能之馬達的討論上已有了突破。這意味著配載超過 250Watt 輸出功率馬達的e-Bike(且踏板輔助限制至25公里/小時) 會持續排除在輕型摩托車及摩托車的定型檢定之外。因此,他們將繼續被歸類於自行車。

China - Taiwan's Free Trade Agreement Becomes Fully Operational in 2012

China - Taiwan's Free Trade Agreement Becomes Fully Operational in...

After January 23, 2012 - Chinese New Year - the free trade agreement between Taiwan and China becomes fully operational. It provides a huge benefit for Taiwan's bike industry as it offer free entry into the rapidly developing Chinese sports bike market.

Yozo Shimano Appointed Honorary Consul-General for Singapore

Yozo Shimano Appointed Honorary Consul-General for Singapore

Singapore has appointed Yozo Shimano as Singapore's Honorary Consul-General in Osaka, Japan. According to the Singapore Foreign Affairs Ministry he will have jurisdiction over the regions of Kinki, Chugoku, Shikoku, Kyushu and Okinawa.



歐洲自行車生產商(COLIBI)和零部件製造商行業協會(COLIPED)已成功達成更有效地追蹤歐盟市場電動自行車的行蹤。透過合併後命名(CN)的修訂,因而達成。有了歐盟的CN代碼, 可追蹤所有進口到歐盟的商品,且這些代碼連結了所有相關進口稅與傾銷稅。

Specialized and Walmart Hit by Recalls

Specialized and Walmart Hit by Recalls

In two separate issues technical failures of chains and forks is forcing Specialized as well as Walmart to recall more than 100,000 bicycles. Specialized received two reports of brake components

Uncertainty on Continuation of Anti-Dumping Duties on Saddles

Uncertainty on Continuation of Anti-Dumping Duties on Saddles

The European Commission issued a notification on the expiration of anti-dumping duties on saddles made in the People's Republic of China in June 2012. These anti-dumping duties were



比利時,布魯塞爾-由於現今的普惠制(GSP)計劃將於2011年12月31日正式結束,這對自孟加拉國、柬埔寨與越南等國家進口自行車數量不斷攀升的歐盟國家所帶來的困惑,不斷上升。這是(歐盟)委員會法規2010年11月18日中第1063/2010條款所做的裁決 。



比利時,布魯塞爾 - 歐盟委員會對中國製的座墊將於2012年6月到期的反傾銷稅,發出通知。這些反傾銷稅是在歐洲座墊製造商協會(ESMA)提出申訴後

WFSGI Reacts on UCI Comments about Unsafe Carbon Frames

WFSGI Reacts on UCI Comments about Unsafe Carbon Frames

In July, it was reported that UCI president Pat McQuaid (photo) said high-end pro-level carbon-frame bicycles were potentially "unsafe" and were made in China for "30 or 40 US dollar a piece." Soon after

Attendance record at Derby Cycle Open House

Attendance record at Derby Cycle Open House

Derby Cycles annual Open House appeals to a growing number of dealers. The 9th edition, which took place from Friday August 13th at the Derby facility in Cloppenburg attracted more than 3,200 dealers from Germany and abroad in four days. Whether from

Interbike Adjust Show Hours

Interbike Adjust Show Hours

Following discussions with members of the industry to make the last day of Interbike more effective and efficient for all, show organization Nielsen Expositions decided to fine tune the opening hours. The second day of OutDoor Demo will

Italy 2010: Export Increase Helps Italian Bicycle Market

Italy 2010: Export Increase Helps Italian Bicycle Market

MILAN, Italy - 2009 was a fantastic year for the Italian bicycle industry, because the government gave a big helping hand in the form of incentives. Those incentives were an incredible success. Domestic bicycle consumption jumped by 7.1% to 1.93 million units in 2009. But 2010 was a different story, with local consumption dropping by 8.1% to 1.77 million bicycles.

Trek美國線上零售計畫 成果非凡

Trek美國線上零售計畫 成果非凡

Trek總裁John Burke(見圖)昨天宣布,在美國的線上零售計畫成果非凡。他表示:「『Trek』會把倉庫與履行售後市場產品訂單放在Trek零售商的網站上。」

Halfords Holland for Sale

Halfords Holland for Sale

Macintosh Retail Group announced that its subsidiary Halfords Nederland BV will go on sale next September. According to the parent company, Halfords no longer fits into the strategy of Macintosh. Halfords operates in Holland and Belgium

歐盟 /中國反傾銷期終討論進展顯著

歐盟 /中國反傾銷期終討論進展顯著

在上週由歐盟27個會員國組成的反傾銷委員會議之前,過程中進展顯著。投票本身當然與從中國人民共和國進口自行車一事有關。歐洲自行車製造商協會主席Brian Montgomery(見照片)對Bike Europe 表示:

E-Retailer Wiggle Fights Market with Free Delivery

E-Retailer Wiggle Fights Market with Free Delivery

Until the end of July, e-retailer Wiggle is offering free shipping to most European destinations on all products including bikes, frames and indoor trainers. During this limited period there's no minimum spend required by Wiggle in this next price battle

More Bike Companies Joining World Federation Sporting Goods Industry

More Bike Companies Joining World Federation Sporting Goods Industry

More and more companies from the bike industry are joining the World Federation of the Sporting Goods Industry (WFSGI). Renowned names from Italy are the most recent new members that enlisted to the WFSGI which