Despite positive indicators in 2023, 2024 proved to be a year of more downhills as opposed to the much-needed stabilisation in the market. Will growth come again in 2025?, 2026?, 20...? -  Photo Shutterstock

2024: A year of false hope in the bicycle industry

ZEIST, The Netherlands - In late 2023, after a difficult year, industry insiders were looking hopefully towards the new year. However, predictions of inventory level recovery and stability in the market were pushed back at every contact moment during 2024; from Taipei Cycle at the beginning of the year, to Taichung Bike Week at the end. This 'hope' was abandoned in the second half of the year as insolvencies and closures began to dominate the headlines. As hopes now push forward to those that have 'survived to 2025', here, a perhaps unwelcome look back at 2024.

Happy Holidays from the Bike Europe Team

Happy Holidays from the Bike Europe Team

ZEIST, the Netherlands - As the year draws to a close the Bike Europe team would like to thank you for your continued support throughout this challenging year.

Want to join the Bike Europe team? Editor position now available

Want to join the Bike Europe team? Editor position now available

ZEIST, The Netherlands - Do you want to contribute to independent journalism in the bicycle industry? Now is your chance. Bike Europe is looking for a driven journalist to expand its editorial team.

Bike Europe issue 3/2024 available online now

Bike Europe issue 3/2024 available online now

ZEIST, The Netherlands - The next edition of Bike Europe magazine (issue 3/2024) is now available to read online in our digital magazine section. While the industry is still occupied with restructuring the supply chain and excess inventory, the general mood among analysts point towards a brighter future for micromobility products and e-bikes in particular. But it's not all good news as yet as companies continue to struggle financially.

Bike Europe issue 1/2024 available online now

Bike Europe issue 1/2024 available online now

ZEIST, The Netherlands - The February edition of Bike Europe magazine (issue 1/2024) is now available to read online in our digital magazine section. As the industry looks forward to the Taipei Cycle show next week, this will offer an opportunity to gauge the mood in the market. It will also reveal the continued significance of tradeshows for a global industry.

Happy Holidays from Bike Europe

Happy Holidays from Bike Europe

ZEIST, the Netherlands - As the year draws to a close the Bike Europe team would like to thank you for your continued support throughout this challenging year.