英國,法納姆(Farnham)-在英國,電動自行車的銷量正在改變,但其銷量仍遠不及這個歐洲最大的市場之一所下的承諾。 該國的大型零售商之一E-Bikeshop 估計,2016年電動自行車在英國的銷量約會成長20%。
英國,法納姆(Farnham)-在英國,電動自行車的銷量正在改變,但其銷量仍遠不及這個歐洲最大的市場之一所下的承諾。 該國的大型零售商之一E-Bikeshop 估計,2016年電動自行車在英國的銷量約會成長20%。
Did you miss the Bike Europe Conference on Supply Chain Flexibility in Friedrichshafen last August 30; one day before Eurobike started? See the video..
FRIEDRICHSHAFEN, Germany - "Collaboration is key to the future of the bicycle industry," This said Accell Group's Chief Supply Chain Officer Jeroen Both at the Bike Europe Supply Chain Conference held today at Eurobike in Friedrichshafen. That collaboration is to result in flexibility of the supply chain in Europe which leads to increased speed to market.
There's a huge interest for this Conference, but there are still seats left in a second Conference Room which is linked to the event through life streaming.
There's a huge interest for the Bike Europe Conference on Supply Chain Flexibility - Increased Speed to Market that takes place August 30, 2016.
Where the EU bike market is heading will be presented at the Supply Chain - Increased Speed to Market Conference taking place one day before Eurobike 2016
荷蘭,阿姆斯特丹- 世界銀行總裁金墉在最近一次採訪時說,在經過幾十年不斷增加向外採購的做法之後,製造業現在又回到西方。這也適用於歐洲自行車和電動自行車產業。八月30 日在歐洲自行車展舉行的會議將這個重大營運轉變納入會議主題。
The Bike Europe Conference will be on creating supply chain flexibility for the bicycle industry in Europe in order to increase its speed to market.
The Bike Europe Supply Chain Conference at Eurobike will present insights on what is needed to correctly adjust supply to the European bicycle industry.
台灣,台中- 昨天大約有100位來自台灣自行車產業的專家參與了由Bike Europe與其在台灣的夥伴貿易眼所主辦的研討會。研討會地點在台中長榮桂冠酒店,分為三個部分演示的研討會是由Bike Europe的總編輯Jack Oortwijn所主持。