hGears manufactures high precision parts and components and has counted Bosch, Oli e-bike systems, ProscheEP and Valeo as clients in the E-bike segment. – Photo Bike Europe

hGears' e-bike business segment suffers from sluggish destocking

SCHAMBERG, Germany - High-precision transmission parts and components manufacturer hGears AG continues to suffer not only from the automotive crisis, but also from the e-bike business segment's sluggish destocking. In the first nine months of the current 2024 financial year, it had to digest its biggest sales drop.

hGears’ e-bike division is suffering from the high inventory levels that are still present in all sales channels. – Photo hGears

E-bike component manufacturer hGears expects medium-term growth

SCHRAMBERG, Germany - When presenting its 2024 half-year figures, the high-precision gearbox parts and components manufacturer hGears AG took a cautious view of the financial year. Looking further ahead, the stock-listed company sees strong growth again in the medium term 'particularly in the e-bike and e-mobility business areas'.

Market dynamics remained challenging throughout 2023 for hGears and were characterized by slower than expected destocking. – Photo hGears

E-drive maker hGears gives cautious outlook after revenue decline

SCHRAMBERG, Germany - hGears AG, the European precision e-bike transmission parts and components manufacturer, reports a 16.9% year-on-year decrease of its 2023 consolidated revenue of € 112.5 million. hGears faced an extremely challenging years in its e-bike business.

“In 2023 we will continue to navigate in a challenging environment,” explained hGears CEO Sven Arend.

High inventory levels and Revonte bankruptcy weakens hGears' e-bike...

SCHRAMBERG, Germany - German precision gear and component manufacturer hGears AG reports a consolidated revenue of €84.1 million from January until October, a year-on-year decline of 18.8%. This decline is attributable to market difficulties for the e-mobility as well as the e-tools division.

The absence of sales volume in both the e-mobility and e-tools divisions also had a negative impact on hGears’ profitability. – Photo hGears

Slow e-bike destocking impacts hGears' half-year results

SCHRAMBERG, Germany - In the first half of 2023, precision gear and component manufacturer hGears AG posted total sales of €57.16 million, a year-on-year decline of 19.4%. This is the result of flat sales in its e-mobility and e-tools business units.

hGears Head of Business Development E-Mobility Fabio Stornaiuolo presenting a steel-made toothed wheel. - Photo Jo Beckendorff
Innovations & products

hGears adopts co-engineering for producing precision e-bike components

FRANKFURT, Germany - Once again, high-precision transmission parts and components producer hGears AG, with its comparatively young e-mobility business unit, had its own booth at this year's Eurobike.