Insera Sena

Sponsored Agility as a recipe for growth - a case study of Polygon Bike

Supply chain has been a longstanding problem among bike retailers: from lengthening order lead times to holding inventories, the risk has been a cause of concern for many players. As the industry becomes less and less agile, players who are able to go against the flow are sure to enjoy significant benefits. This is the story about Polygon, a brand that through its agile supply chain practices is well poised to woo retailers in a post COVID-19 world.

歐盟法院裁定沒有足夠的證據證明City Cycle和清豪工業這兩家公司有業務轉運的事實。– Photo EU

City Cycle 和清豪工業不再課徵反傾銷稅

比利時,布魯塞爾- 歐盟理事會又輸掉兩個防止規避措施的案件。歐盟法院裁定,由於沒有足夠的證據顯示這兩家公司有業務轉運的事實,所以City Cycle和清豪工業出口到歐盟的自行車不再需要課徵48.5%的反傾銷重稅。

The Court of Justice of the European Union ruled that there was insufficient proof for City Cycle and Chin Haur carrying out transhipment operations. – Photo EU

City Cycle and Chin Haur Get Dumping Duty Exemption

BRUSSELS, Belgium - The EU Council has lost two court cases against anti-circumvention measures. The Court of Justice of the European Union ruled that ...

對中國、印尼、馬來西亞、斯里蘭卡、突尼西亞所課徵的反傾銷稅將會被迫延續到2019年6月。- Photo European Union


比利時,布魯塞爾- 在得到來自歐洲自行車製造商協會(EBMA)更多的資訊和從相應的歐盟網站完成更多的研究調查之後,可以確定目前對中國、印尼、馬來西亞、斯里蘭卡和突尼西亞銷往歐盟的自行車所課徵的反傾銷稅將會延續到2019年6月。

All anti-dumping measures on China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Sri Lanka and Tunisia are in force up to June 2019. - Photo European Union

Dumping Duties One Year Longer; Up to 2019

BRUSSELS, Belgium - After receiving more information from the European Bicycle Manufacturers' Association (EBMA) and after having done more research at ...

對中國、印尼、馬來西亞、斯里蘭卡和突尼西亞所課徵的反傾銷稅措施要到2018年6月才會終止。- Photo European Union


比利時,布魯塞爾- 歐盟對中國進口自行車課徵48.5%的反傾銷稅,一般認定將於2016年6月就會終止,但歐盟自行車製造商協會(EMBA)通知:該稅將會再緩兩年,也就是在2018年6月才會終止。