"E-cargobikes, e-scooters and self-balancing vehicles without steering are paying the price for the LEV framework in the Netherlands,” argues industry organisation LEVA-EU. Photo Bike Europe

LEVA-EU asks the Netherlands to check EU legality of its LEV-framework

THE HAGUE, the Netherlands - The Dutch government is making very small steps with the implementation of a new legal framework for LEV's. This will include Dutch technical requirements for electric cargocycles with pedal assistance up to 25 km/h and 250W, for e-scooters and self-balancing vehicles with handlebars. For LEVA-EU the process is much too slow and frustrates the market and the industry organisation doubts the legality of the Dutch LEV framework.

One of the main messages shared in the workshop last Wednesday was that an EU harmonized regulatory framework is needed. – Photo Bike Europe

EU regulations for electric micromobility insufficient and...

BRUSSELS, Belgium - Over 200 people attended the workshop on technical requirements and road safety of personal mobility devices (PMD) this week. Organized by the European Commission, the workshop made clear that the current European regulations (L-category vehicles type approval and Machinery Directive) are insufficient and inappropriate to cover the variety of devices.

The VanMoof V features two-wheel drive, front and rear suspension. – Photo VanMoof

VanMoof stirs up e-bike regulation discussion with hyperbike...

AMSTERDAM, the Netherlands - Dutch e-bike brand VanMoof has announced a fast e-bike capable of hitting speeds up to 60 km/h. The VanMoof V is the brand's first high-speed e-bike and is full of new features. With this speed e-bike VanMoof is explicitly mingling in the e-bike regulation discussion.

The reason for the review is that current requirements in the field of electronics and vibrations no longer meet the state-of-the-art expectations of e-bikes. – Photo EMEC

European Committee for Standardization (CEN) starts revision of...

DELFT, the Netherlands - The European standard for e-bikes EN 15194: 2017 is being revised. According to an initial planning, adjustments in the field of electronics and batteries will be published. In addition, guidelines are being developed to combat tampering.

For CONEBI, “the EU Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC is a key legislation for the EU bicycle industry.” – Photo Rotwild

Proposal for new EU Machinery legislation leads to uncertainty in the...

BRUSSELS, Belgium - "The recent proposal of European Commission for a new EU Machinery Legislation creates uncertainty in the bicycle industry," states the Confederation of the European Bicycle Industry (CONEBI). The European Commission proposes to exclude all 'vehicles which have as their only objective the transport of goods or persons' from the scope of the new legislation.

For LEVA-EU the exclusion of LEVs from the Machinery Directive will not necessarily create a legal vacuum. – Photo Shutterstock

LEVA-EU welcomes e-bike exclusion from Machinery Directive

BRUSSELS, Belgium - LEVA-EU sees the exclusion of all vehicles for the transport of goods and persons from the new Machinery Directive as proposed by the European Commission as a step towards specific technical legislation for light electric vehicles.