The show will center on four core themes: Innovation Drive, Green Forward, Cycling Ecosystem, and Smart Cycling. These themes reflect ongoing developments in technology, sustainability, and cycling culture.
Four core themes
- Innovation Drive emphasizes cutting-edge advancements, featuring activities like the bike vision initiative and the prestigious d&i Awards, which highlight trailblazing companies poised to transform the industry.
- Green Forward recognizes outstanding ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) practices through the Green Forward Selection Program, promoting sustainable development and highlighting eco-conscious exhibitors.
- Cycling Ecosystem explores the broader cultural and economic impact of cycling. The Taipei Cycle Forum will bring together organizers from major cycling events in New York, Tokyo, Italy, Singapore, and Taiwan to share insights into how cycling events drive environmental sustainability and economic growth.
- Smart Cycling showcases innovations that merge digital and physical experiences, such as virtual cycling platforms, indoor-outdoor connectivity, and smart cycling technologies that create new business opportunities.
E-cycling and smart services zone
The event will feature renowned brands like Shimano, Sram, Giant and Merida. Highlights include the e-bike and motor systems zone with the bike demo test ride area, offering hands-on experiences with various models, and the e-cycling & smart services zone, hosting an international e-cycling challenge that connects global cycling communities.
As Asia’s most influential cycling trade show, Taipei Cycle links Taiwan’s robust supply chain with international markets, fostering collaboration, innovation, and cross-industry opportunities. Professionals and cycling enthusiasts worldwide can register here.
This article is sponsored by Taipei Cycle.