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自行車製造商Simplon正迎強勢逆風。照片來源/Dieter Wertz


奧地利,哈德(HARD)-奧地利自行車第二大巨頭Simplon Fahrrad GmbH的生意並不總是一帆風順,在該公司股東於去年底換掉管理團隊時,該公司的問題嚴重性也浮出檯面。今年整個行業銷售雙位數下滑亦對Simplon營收造成實質影響,迫使他們於上週申請美國《破產法》第11章破產保護,以繼續進行重組程序。

Glory Wheel Enterprise董事長Charles Lee與Spank Industries董事長Gavin Vos於台中的併購簽約儀式合影。照片來源/GW

Glory Wheel收購Spank和Fratelli拓展全球計畫

台灣,台中-知名台灣自行車零件製造商Glory Wheel Enterprise Co., Ltd.(GW)完成收購自行車配件品牌Spank Industries和Fratelli Industries。透過這次收購,GW旨在提升他們在高階自行車零件市場的地位。本次交易的金額並未公開。

Richard Thorpe於Youtube影片中表示:「今年初,我們也不得不舉白旗投降並進行重組,調整公司以應對市場復甦。」照片來源/Gocycle


英國,倫敦(LONDON)-屢次獲獎的電動自行車品牌Gocycle為發表其全新城市摺疊自行車系列,發起群眾募資活動。Gocycle東家Karbon Kinetics Ltd創辦人兼執行長Richard Thorpe說明他這次為何轉以試探性的融資方式,即便他早在2002年便成立該公司。他表示:「資本機構已退出多數產業,包含自行車公司及像是Gocycle這樣的小型新創企業。」

The Dutch Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate (ILT) already confiscated 16,500 illegal bikes, and Ouxi fatbikes have now been declared illegal across the European Union.

Ouxi V8 fatbikes declared illegal in the EU

BRUSSELS, Belgium - The European Commission has officially declared that Ouxi V8 fatbikes are considered an 'unauthorised' vehicle in the European Union. This means that anyone riding these vehicles is driving illegally and uninsured on the road. The China-made vehicles have risen in popularity in the Netherlands this year.

The Cyclescore label is a new standard aimed at promoting the French cycling industry while addressing environmental and societal challenges. Two tags will be available, one for regular bikes and one for e-bikes. – Photo Cyclescore

France introduces consumer-facing ESG label about bicycle...

PARIS, France - French bike organisation Filière Vélo has introduced the 'Cyclescore' label, a new standard aimed at promoting the French cycling industry while addressing environmental and societal challenges. "It's a voluntary label that aims to provide the best information to consumers," said Florence Le Gall, general delegate of the Filière Vélo.

Each steering movement comes with an adaptive beam-pattern with the Busch+Müller Briq-XL. – Photo Busch+Müller

Busch+Müller develops digital curve light for e-bikes

MEINERZHAGEN, Germany - It was announced as a revolution in bicycle headlights by Busch+Müller: the Briq-XL reacts to the lean of the handlebar in a progressive sequence to provide a magnificent illumination of the bend while riding the curve.

Rubén Fernández, commercial director of cycling at Decathlon Spain (left), with Jesús Freire, Secretary General of AMBE. – Photo Decathlon

Decathlon and AMBE join forces to promote bicycle use in Spain

MADRID, Spain - Retail giant Decathlon and trade association AMBE have joined forces to promote the use of bicycles as a means of transport, leisure, tourism and sport. With this collaboration, the company and the association seek to develop common strategies that promote the use of bicycles and share market strategies.

PW-LINK: Yamaha's new step in e-bike co-development

PW-LINK: Yamaha's new step in e-bike co-development

Since Yamaha launched the first production e-bike in 1993, the company has played an important role in transforming the two-wheeler industry. With the Power Assist System (PAS), Yamaha introduced a new dimension to the cycling experience, allowing riders to benefit from electric assistance without losing the feel of traditional cycling. Now, three decades later, Yamaha is introducing the PW-LINK system: a new concept in e-bike co-development that will benefit manufacturers, dealers, and riders.

Bike World focuses on large-scale locations of +/- 1000 square meters including an indoor test track. – Photo Peter Hummel

Thomas Binggeli back in business with bicycle retail store take-over

OBERRIED, Switzerland - Faster than expected, the Swiss retail group Migros has found a new owner for its Bike World chain of stores. Industry insider and jack-of-all-trades Thomas Binggeli has acquired most of the bicycle store chain via his investment company Thömus AG. The takeover will officially take effect in February 2025.

Bike maker Simplon is facing strong headwinds. - Photo Dieter Wertz

Simplon applies for Chapter 11 status as restructuring procedures...

HARD, Austria - Business has not always gone smoothly at Austria's second largest bicycle manufacturer, Simplon Fahrrad GmbH. How big these problems were, became public when the shareholders replaced the management at the end of 2023. This year's industry-wide double-digit sales drop left a real skid mark on Simplon's revenue, forcing them to apply for a Chapter 11 status this week to support the ongoing restructuring process.

“Early 2024 we also had to wave the white flag and restructure to realign our company for the market recovery,” says Richard Thorpe on Youtube. - Photo Gocycle

Gocycle CEO: "We had to turn to crowdfunding to reboot our company"

LONDON, UK - Award-winning e-bike brand Gocycle has started a crowdfunding campaign to launch its new range of urban folding bikes. Founder and CEO of Gocycle owner Karbon Kinetics Ltd Richard Thorpe explains why he turned to this tentative way of funding, having founded the company already in 2002. "Institutional capital has fled most industries including bike companies, as well as small innovators like Gocycle."

Charles Lee, Chairman of Glory Wheel Enterprise and Spank Industries president Gavin Vos during the M&A signing ceremony in Taichung. – Photo GW

Glory Wheel expands global strategy with Spank and Fratelli...

TAICHUNG, Taiwan - Renowned Taiwanese bicycle component manufacturer Glory Wheel Enterprise Co., Ltd. (GW) has acquired the bicycle accessory brands, Spank Industries and Fratelli Industries. Through the acquisition the Taiwanese aims to reinforce its position in the high-end bicycle components market. Financial details of the acquisition have not been disclosed.

During the summit, one panel of speakers including Chris Boardman of Active Travel England explored why the UK’s e-bike market has under-indexed against other core cycling categories, and other comparable EU markets. – Photo Richard Scrase

Top level summit explores how to boost e-bike adoption in the UK

OXFORD, UK - The annual E-bike Summit held in Oxford is now in its sixth year. The event is unusual in that it brings together manufacturers, retailers, politicians and trade bodies in one high-level gathering. Top of the agenda this year was removing the barriers to e-bike adoption in the UK.

Accell Group表示目標於今年底完成召回計畫,並於完成後恢復販售Babboe自行車給新客戶。照片來源/Shuttestock


荷蘭,阿姆斯特丹(AMSTERDAM)-荷蘭檢察機關已決定終止對載貨自行車製造商Babboe B.V.的刑事調查。該公司涉嫌製造並販售存在安全問題的幾款(電動)載貨自行車。

Giant Group這次收購主要目的為拓展室內自行車領域的業務。照片來源/Stages Cycling

Giant Group收購Stages Cycling

台灣,台中-Giant Group宣布收購Stages Cycling,其母公司當中有幾間於6月申請《破產法》第11章(Chapter 11)破產保護。Giant Group美國子公司SPIA Cycling Inc.最終以2,010萬美元得標收購Stages Cycling。

Revonte共同創辦人兼前執行長Otto Chrons表示:「我們這個優秀的團隊極力想讓這個計畫成功,因為我們都是自行車愛好者,都想要在電動自行車產業做出改變。」照片來源/Otto Chrons


芬蘭,坦佩雷(TAMPERE)-電動自行車驅動系統品牌Revonte於1年前被迫申請破產。自從5年前推出產品之後,該公司在業界收到不少正面評價,OEM也喜愛將Revonte ONE作為電動自行車下一代驅動系統。不過,即便電動自行車正旺,Revonte仍未能撐到最後。現在,共同創辦人兼前執行長Otto Chrons首次分享他在Revonte的故事以及學到的教訓。



義大利,布斯納戈(BUSNAGO)-專利糾紛通常會耗時多年,而葡萄牙零件製造商Miranda和FSA之間自2018年開始的案子也不例外,當時該間葡萄牙公司向德國進口商Advanced Sports發出一封信件。FSA近期公開聲明表示,此案已在德國杜塞道夫(Düsseldorf)地方法院裁決後結案。

Askoll Ultra sponsors Italian e-MTB athlete Mirko Tabacchi

Askoll Ultra sponsors Italian e-MTB athlete Mirko Tabacchi

Askoll Ultra, the brand dedicated to developing power units for e-MTBs, renews its commitment with Mirko Tabacchi for the WES 2024 World Championship, officially sponsoring the Italian athlete. Tabacchi will race an e-MTB equipped with Askoll Ultra C90A power unit.

Attending an annual sourcing show like Taichung Bike Week has become less relevant for product managers. – Photo Bike Europe

Market uncertainty persists at opening day of Taichung Bike Week

TAICHUNG, Taiwan - The slow start of the annual Taichung Bike Week reflects the overall mood in the market. The inventory situation is still delaying product innovations and the development of new models. Over the past years the market has moved away from the annual model year cycles. All of this combined makes attending an annual sourcing show like Taichung Bike Week less relevant for product managers.

To outline the new strategy for IBDs, the ‘book of promises’ gives a clear overview of what they can expect from BCF. – Photos Bike Europe

Belgian Cycling Factory presents 'book of promises'

BERINGEN, Belgium - To extend its European sales network Belgian Cycling Factory (BCF) has been reviewing its business model and market strategy as part of a major expansion of its business. As owner of brands like Ridley Bikes and Eddy Merckx the company wrote a 'book of promises' for current and future retail partners to clarify this new strategy.