14668 results

台灣供應商清倉以保護下游廠商,可能是這個高度互聯的島國輸往歐盟的電動自行車單位售價大幅下滑的原因之一。照片來源/Bike Europe



Husqvarna和GasGas電動自行車,以及Felt銷量在上半年皆有成長,可部分彌補出售R Raymon的損失。照片來源/Pierer Mobility

自行車大虧損,Pierer Mobility財報滿江紅

奧地利,韋爾斯(WELS)-Pierer Mobility AG表示,變幻莫測的經濟條件造成2024上半年財報出現紅字。該公司在踏入自行車及電動自行車市場後進行的短期策略調整亦帶來負面影響,現在他們正為此付出代價。換句話說,該公司正採取極端措施。

位於台中的Ideal Bike Corporation正逐步回到正軌。照片來源/Jo Beckendorff

Ideal Bike改善財務狀況逐步恢復

台灣,台中-儘管台灣第三大自行車龍頭Ideal Bike Corporation營收二位數下滑,他們仍繼續努力應對過去產生的損失。就2024年Q2和上半年數據來看,該公司成功改善其財務狀況。

(圖左)René Wiertz和Fundracer策略顧問René Savelsberg一同表示:「現在正是投資這個產業的最佳時機。」照片來源/Bike Europe


荷蘭,阿姆斯特丹(AMSTERDAM)-Fundracer BV推出他們第一個微型交通工具基金,旨在為有潛力在快速增長的微型交通工具產業成為領先的企業提供資金及實質支持。這是由自行車產業的創業家René Wiertz、Gérard Vroomen和Andy Ording所創立,Fundracer致力協助這塊市場上的公司,以最大限度提高經營成功的機率。

The European Commission will conduct a 12- till 15-month long investigation to decide whether to extend the anti-dumping measures for another 5-year period. – Photo Shutterstock

Five more years of anti-dumping duties on bicycles? EU initiates...

BRUSSELS, Belgium - The European Commission launched an expiry review of the anti-dumping measures applicable to imports of bicycles from the People's Republic of China. For this review DG Trade will hold hearings, mail questionnaires to producers and visit companies. The request was submitted by the EBMA (European Bicycle Manufacturers Association) representing the bicycle industry in Europe.

The AGCM decision aims to increase market freedom and interoperability for e-bike manufacturers regarding ABS technology. – Photo Stromer

Bosch u-turns on ABS interoperability

MILAN, Italy - Last Autumn concerns were raised by ABS manufacturer, Blubrake that Bosch could restrict competition in the e-bike ABS market by limiting the use of alternative technologies. A case opened by the Italian Antitrust Authority has now determined that e-bike manufacturers will now be permitted to integrate Blubrake ABS with Bosch BES3 kits.

JobRad has already put more than 1.5 million bicycles on the road in Germany while Cyclis is much smaller with 37,000 bicycles. – Photo Cyclis

JobRad expands into Belgium and the Netherlands with take-over of...

HASSELT, Belgium - A leading Belgian lease concept provider Cyclis has been acquired by JobRad Group as of 2 September. The much bigger JobRad Group obtained 60% of the shares while founders and other stakeholders now own 40%. "We share the same vision, ambition and approach. In JobRad Group, we have found the ideal partner to further strengthen our position on the Belgian and Dutch market," says Joep Kempen, CEO of 10 years old Cyclis.

Van Dijck unveiled new top-model at Eurobike

Van Dijck unveiled new top-model at Eurobike

At the start of this season, the Dutch brand Van Dijck drew attention with its extensive rebranding. Now, their product portfolio is also getting a facelift: with the new Triton Hypershift Belt, they are showcasing what is technically possible.

“I fully support the company’s service-oriented approach and partnership philosophy,” said Thomas Bauer on joining Hermann Hartje KG. – Photo Hartje

Thomas Bauer appointed MD at Hartje bicycle division

HOYA, Germany - The wholesaler Hermann Hartje KG has expanded its management team as of 1 November 2024 with the appointment of Thomas Bauer. Hermann Hartje, owner and personally liable partner, appointed Thomas Bauer as an additional managing director alongside Wolfgang Arens and Dirk Zwick.

The Husqvarna e-bike, GasGas e-bike and Felt sales increase in the first 6 months of 2024 could partly compensate for the loss of R Raymon. – Photo Pierer Mobility

Pierer Mobility suffers from loss-making bicycle business

WELS, Austria - According to Pierer Mobility AG volatile and difficult economic conditions led to a negative first half 2024 result. The company also harmed itself with some short-term strategy changes after entering the bicycle and e-bike business. Now they have to pay the bill. In other words: drastic measures are being taken.

“Expanding into Europe is the next logical step for us,” says Yeti CEO Chris Conroy. – Photo Chris Conroy.

Yeti expects market normalisation by the end of 2025

HAUSHAM, Germany -American cult brand Yeti has announced the opening of a European office in Germany. "Expanding into Europe is the next logical step for us as we have seen a lot of growth over the last decade," says Yeti CEO Chris Conroy. Founded in 1985, Yeti Cycles makes race-bred, obsessively engineered, masterfully crafted mountain bikes.

UT founder and CEO Kalle Nicolai celebrated the premiere of his new LEV drivetrain brand Helius-Drive Systems at this year’s Eurobike booth. – Photo Universal Transmissions

Universal Transmissions presents its own LEV drivetrain system brand

MÜHLHAUSEN, Germany - At this year's Eurobike, Karlheinz 'Kalle' Nicolai celebrated a premiere with his first own e-drivetrain brand. With the Helius-Drive Systems brand under the umbrella of his company Universal Transmissions GmbH (UT), the two-wheeler visionary is once again thinking outside the box.

CyTech’s manufacturing base in Yucatan output will now be branded Elastic Interface. – Photo CyTech

CyTech reorganises Mexican production of cycling pads

SAN VENDEMIANO, Italy - Cycling pad manufacturing CyTech S.r.l., known for its Elastic Interface brand, has unified the production at its Mexican factories, whose products had been distributed under the BikePad label.

Juwon Kim和Pascal Ducrot將擔任共同執行長帶領公司發展。照片來源/Scott Sports

Scott Sports Group與Zaugg劃下句點迎接新任雙執行長

瑞士,吉維謝(GIVISIEZ)-Scott Sports Group大股東Youngone Corporation在3月份突然解雇執行長Beat Zaugg後,指定投資銀行家Juwon Kim作為接班人。這便是資深專家Zaugg和Youngone之間權力鬥爭的開端,隨著雙執行長新上任,現在一切看似已塵埃落定。

同去年一樣,金典酒店再度成為台中自行車週的舉辦地點之一。照片來源/Bike Europe


台灣,台中-自行車產品經理的年度盛事台中自行車週(Taichung Bike Week)將在9月24至27日開展。在Eurobike決定將檔期移到六、七月之後,台中自行車週的地位有了巨幅轉變。今年最熱話題便是市場是否已準備好迎接這場採購盛會。



西班牙,馬德里(MADRID)-西班牙工業暨觀光部(Ministry of Industry and Tourism)發布的數據顯示,自行車產量在2024年上半年達到171,200輛。雖然較去年同期減少6.4%,但今年第二季產量已增加到每月3萬輛。

Martina Rumschick自2021年fairnamic成立以來便是Eurobike團隊的其中一員。照片來源/Eurobike

Martina Rumschick擔任新職Eurobike升級執行團隊

德國,法蘭克福(FRANKFURT)-Martina Rumschick將在Eurobike擔任新創的品牌及內容經理一職,該展將於今年9月1日開展。她將負責管理Eurobike的品牌策略,提升展會內容,並在國際競爭市場中定位展會。

Taiwanese suppliers emptying their warehouses to protect companies further down the supply chain is a potential explanation for significant drop in value per unit of e-bikes coming from the heavily interconnected island nation. – Photo Bike Europe

Asia offloading stock as EU e-bike import volume doubles in Q2

ZEIST, The Netherlands - Between April and June this year, the number of e-bikes imported into the EU rose to 223,000 units almost matching the same period last year. Significantly, this figure is almost double the amount imported in the first quarter of the year. All top 3 importing countries, Taiwan, Vietnam and China significantly increased the number of units entering the EU during this time period. However, at what cost?

On the way out of the red figures: Ideal Bike Corporation, Taichung, Taiwan. – Photo Jo Beckendorff

Ideal Bike on the road to recovery after restructuring financial...

TAICHUNG, Taiwan - Despite a double-digit revenue drop Taiwan's third-largest bicycle manufacturer Ideal Bike Corporation is continuing to work on getting a grip on the losses incurred in the past. A look at the 2024 second quarter and first half-year figures indicate a successful restructuring of the financial setbacks.

Bosch eBike Systems is one of the industry heavyweights supporting the campaign to educate the UK e-bike market and help it meets its potential. – Photos Electric Bike Alliance

Bosch supports UK trade orgs in e-bike positivity campaign

LONDON, United Kingdom - In a move to deter consumer fears about e-bike battery safety, the UK cycling sector, including industry trade bodies and an e-bike alliance which includes Bosch eBike Systems have joined forces in a national 'E-bike Positive' campaign. Not only an educational resource, but it will also encourage UK policymakers to better protect consumers and call on industry stakeholders to be more attentive.