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The Get Technical 2024 in Katowice, Poland will include workshops on innovative products and how to implement them into the production process. – Photo the sppot

Get Technical to focus on boosting efficiency in surface finishing

KATOWICE, Poland - Technical expertise and efficiency take centre stage at one of the sppot's BIG3 events - Get Technical. This year, the event will be hosted by partners, Wagner, in Poland from November 20th to 21st.Wagner will also open its doors to its new state-of-the art-facility.

Accell Group今年宣布的削減成本計畫中,包含合併位於荷蘭海倫芬(Heerenveen)的兩座工廠,並將部分產線移至該集團的其它歐洲廠。照片來源/Tweewieler

鑒於債務問題,Moody's下調Accell Group評級

義大利,米蘭(MILAN)-荷蘭自行車大廠Accell Group在10月剛宣布與集團利益相關者達成協議減少債務,有望改善財務狀況。不過,由於其財務重組計畫預計到2025年2月才會完成,信用評等機構Moody's因此下調該集團評級,指出「在接下來6個月內發生債務違約的可能性極高」。

柬埔寨電動自行車出口量尚不高,不過今年生產開局表現不錯。照片來源/Council for Development of Cambodia(柬埔寨發展委員會)


柬埔寨,金邊(PHNOM PENH)-柬埔寨輸往歐盟的自行車出口復甦緩慢,因此該國五間組裝廠開始尋找新市場。柬國曾是歐盟主要自行車供應國,不過現在地位也受到其它自行車出口大國激烈競爭,如中國和孟加拉。

受到市場環境影響,Pierer Mobility因此撤回2024財年的預測。照片來源/Pierer Mobility

Pierer Mobility下調2024年市場展望

奧地利,韋爾斯(WELS)-受到電動自行車、自行車和摩托車市場環境影響,Pierer Mobility營收及收益表現將低於預期,亦未能實現降低本財年營運資本及淨負債的目標。因此,該公司已撤回2024財年的預測。

2025年台北自行展參展報名已截止,不過廠商仍可加入候補名單,以獲得在下屆展會展出自家品牌的機會。照片來源/Taipei Cycle



On a European scale, CEN (European Committee for Standardization) is working on standards for (e-)cargo bikes to align with the Machinery Directive. – Photo Shutterstock

LEV framework in the Netherlands faces further delays

AMSTERDAM, The Netherlands - The Dutch Light Electric Vehicles (LEV) framework has been postponed once more, according to the RAI Association, the professional organization for (e-)bike manufacturers in the Netherlands. Initially set to take effect on January 1, 2025, the framework is now delayed until July 2025. Implementation of the new framework will have implications for amongst others, e-cargobike users in the country.

Shimano attributes the slow market recovery this year partly to unfavorable weather conditions in Europe during spring. – Photo Shimano

Shimano Q3 report shows delay in recovery of component market

OSAKA, Japan - Market recovery hasn't come as rapidly as Shimano had still foreseen in its first half year results published in July. The Q3 results the company published today still reveal challenging market conditions which the Japanese component manufacturer partly attributes to unfavorable weather conditions in Europe during spring, as well as the inventory bubble.

By using recycled plastic, Eurofender not only reduces waste but also promotes a circular economy. – Photo Eurofender

Eurofender unveils 100% recycled and recyclable mudguard

PADOVA, Italy - To reduce the carbon footprint of bicycles, mudguard manufacturer Eurofender has developed a model which is made out of recycled plastic. Besides this, it is also made without aluminum, and the plastic can be fully recycled at the end of the life cycle of the mudguard.

With the official sale beginning on 23 October, users have been uploading their components to secure a solid inventory offer at the time of launch. – Photo Buycycle

Buycycle adds pre-owned components to its online marketplace

MUNICH, Germany - A premium pre-owned marketplace for bicycles is one thing, but Buycycle is now going one step further with the launch of a full range of pre-owned bike components on its platform. This move aims to fill a gap in the second-hand cycling market, making it easier for cyclists to buy and sell essential parts, the company states.

Alex Colnago: “I was also looking for a partnership; one that upheld the values of my family business."

Acol by Alex Colnago: New premium bike brand with WiaWis technology

Alessandro (Alex) Colnago, nephew of Ernesto Colnago, known for starting the famous Italian race bike company in the 1950s, has recently partnered with WiaWis to launch Acol, a premium bicycle brand. Acol specializes in lightweight frames, aerodynamic bicycles and other components including gravel and track frames. The company targets cyclists seeking high-performance gear, utilizing the same advanced materials and engineering principles that WiaWis applies to its renowned archery products.

Securing financial stability in a tough market

Securing financial stability in a tough market

The fact that a major player like Accell Group has been struggling under a burden of heavy debts gives a clear indication of the difficulties in the market. The manufacturer saw its turnover decline 10% from €1.43 billion in 2022 to €1.3 billion in 2023 as sales declined across major European markets and inventory levels remained high.

In a cost-cutting exercise, Accell Group started 2024 with the announcement that it was merging its two facilities in Heerenveen, The Netherlands and relocating some of the current production to Accell's other European manufacturing facilities. – Photo Tweewieler

Accell Group sees rating drop at Moody's due to current debt concerns

MILAN, Italy - Dutch bicycle manufacturer Accell Group painted a rosy picture in October when it announced it had improved its financial position and reduced its corporate debt in agreement with its financial stakeholders. But seeing as this financial restructuring is not due for completion until February 2025, credit ratings agency Moody's has downgraded Accell Group, citing "a very high likelihood of a default occurring over the next 6 months."

As it reaches its first decade of existence with its ‘bike as service’ model, Swapfiets eyes own design and smart user data as key to a circular future. – Photos Swapfiets

Swapfiets future-proofing its bicycle fleet with circular components

AMSTERDAM, The Netherlands - Bike subscription service Swapfiets, will celebrate its ten-year anniversary on November 7. Under the guidance of Pon Holding's investment company Ponooc since 2018, the company has grown to have over 270,000 members across Europe. Although, still striving for profitability, the B Corp-certified scale-up is working hard towards creating a 100% circular bicycle.

Bike Europe issue 3/2024 available online now

Bike Europe issue 3/2024 available online now

ZEIST, The Netherlands - The next edition of Bike Europe magazine (issue 3/2024) is now available to read online in our digital magazine section. While the industry is still occupied with restructuring the supply chain and excess inventory, the general mood among analysts point towards a brighter future for micromobility products and e-bikes in particular. But it's not all good news as yet as companies continue to struggle financially.

Rebirth Group將投資1,200萬歐元對Cycleurope工廠進行現代化改造,而後發展Gitane和Peugeot Cycles品牌。照片來源/Cycleurope

《人物專訪》Rebirth Group執行長:2026年將完工全新4.0工廠

法國,塞納河畔羅米伊(ROMILLY-SUR-SEINE)-在Grimaldi Group決定出售位羅米伊的Cycleurope Industries SAS後,Rebirth Group創辦人Grégory Trébaol現成為該公司的新老闆。Grégory在與本社採訪中說明為何決定買下Cycleurope的法國廠,他亦討論到未來兩年的策略及投資計畫。

與泰國及馬來西亞之間的貿易協定內容若有更動,都可能造成嚴重影響。照片來源/Bike Europe


比利時,布魯塞爾(BRUSSELS)-下一任歐盟貿易專員Maros Sefcovic的任務之一是完成目前正在進行協商的貿易協定,與馬來西亞和泰國相關的絕對會是其中一部分。泰國最知名的自行車公司為Vittoria,馬來西亞則是Shimano供應商Kwang Li Industry的家鄉。

Phatfour創辦人Mels van Hoolwerff表示:「Phatfour去年僅2%作為出口,現在已有40%。」照片來源:Diederik van der Laan/Dutch Photo Agency


荷蘭,宰斯特(ZEIST)-荷蘭電動胖胎自行車引發的風波導致該國市場需求大幅降低。Phatflour目前在本土市場的銷售較去年減少75%。當地競爭對手Urban Mobility,也是Doppio母公司,最近則申請破產。出口市場能成為荷蘭胖胎車品牌的救星嗎?

丹麥市場將受益於Merida Benelux物流及倉儲服務、顧客服務及體驗中心。照片來源/Merida Benelux

Merida Benelux接手丹麥分銷業務

荷蘭,阿培頓(APELDOORN)-為提升Merida 影響力,該公司在荷比盧地區的經銷商已進軍丹麥,成為該國官方進口商。這決策性的一步除了讓Merida站穩在北歐市場的腳步,也進一步體現出該品牌致力為更多消費者提供優質自行車及配件。

Bike Europe 3-2024

Bike Europe 3-2024

In this edition of Bike Europe: Interview: CEO and co-founder Otto Chrons after Revonte demise - EU e-bike import volume doubles in Q2 - Darfon Group CEO: 'Long-term partnerships are our goal' - A look inside Kettler's modern factory

As a result of the market circumstances Pierer Mobility revoked its guidance for the 2024 financial year. – Photo Pierer Mobility

Pierer Mobility scales back market outlook for 2024

WELS, Austria - As a result of the market circumstances for e-bikes, bicycles and motorbikes, Pierer Mobility will fall short of expectations in terms of revenue and earnings, as well as with regard to the reduction in working capital and net debt in the current financial year. Therefore, the company has revoked its guidance for the 2024 financial year.