14668 results

E-bike adoption in the US has been slow, particularly for commuter use. – Photo Shutterstock

Can US e-bike sales reach 50% market share by 2030?

FRANKFURT, Germany - The fact that the US e-bike market is lagging behind European counterparts is well-known within the industry. A forecast based on a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 30% over the next 7 years could see the US e-bike market reach 6.7 million units and match regular bicycle sales in 2030. This data presented at Eurobike by eCycleElectric however, represented the most optimistic scenario.

Ananda says this expansion is a direct response to the growing needs and demands of the European and American markets. – Photos Ananda

Ananda pursuing rapid growth with IPO and new Vietnamese factory

SHANGHAI, China - E-bike drive system manufacturer, Ananda has opened a new factory in Vietnam to strengthen its worldwide manufacturing capabilities. Already up and running, the factory will meet the growing needs in the US and European markets. Additionally, the company is celebrating a successful listing on the Shanghai stock exchange.

NVWA is extending its investigation into the safety of cargo bikes following the Babboe recall earlier this year. – Photo Babboe

Dutch authorities investigating more cargo bike brands due to safety...

UTRECHT, The Netherlands - Following the issues with cargo bike brand Babboe earlier this year, the Dutch Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA) is now conducting investigations into the safety of multiple cargo bike brands. Vogue Bike has confirmed that information has been requested regarding "technical specifications of products."

The product on display was the result of more than a year of close cooperation between the two companies. – Photo Saga

Saga and production partner FAVI launch motor-gearbox

LAUSANNE, Switzerland - The final details on the motor-gearbox system developed by Saga Group will only be presented at the end of this year but their newest product was already on display at Eurobike. Their French production partner FAVI showed the Saga motor-gearbox as an illustration of their capabilities.

Woom bikes are available in three ranges suitable for children aged between 6 and 14. – Photo Woom

Woom expands into UK with successful kid's bike range

LONDON, England - Austrian kid's bike brand, Woom has now entered the lucrative UK market. Having had success in 30 other countries and sales of over 1 million units, Woom bikes will be distributed by UK trade partners online and in-stores.

庫存過高導致電動自行車進口大幅下滑,不過現在歐盟進口量在過去1年以來首次與去年持平。照片來源/Bike Europe





荷蘭,羅森達爾(ROOSENDAAL)-設計、開發並聯合生產Van Dijck、Keola和Muon品牌的荷蘭電動自行車公司Timyo於上週宣布破產。該公司已掙扎一段時間,期間還有電動自行車零件技術缺陷問題。不過,Van Dijck和Muon兩個品牌將繼續經營。

合約製造商WSF Bicycle Technology GmbH野心大仍不足,現已破產。照片來源/WSF Technology


奧地利,雷高(REGAU)-年輕的自行車及電動自行車合約製造商WSF Bicycle Technology GmbH在4月24日申請破產後,其重組計畫已宣告失敗,破產管理人Klaus Schiller博士向本社證實,儘管有這般野心,目前所有資產皆在進行清算中。




Shimano notes that additions to its gravel-specific range GRX have been particularly popular in the first half of 2024. – Photo Shimano

Positives to be found as Shimano H1 net sales drop 21%

OSAKA, Japan - High inventories in key markets continue to have a knock-on effect for Shimano, the company has reported today in its first half year figures. As a result, net sales in the company's bicycle segment decreased 20.7% in the first 6 months of 2024 compared to the same period last year. However sales in the key market of Europe reveal a turnaround.

Giant aims to have the push bike using recycled carbon materials commercially available by Christmas. - Photo Bike Europe

Giant Group debuts recycled carbon technology in concept push bike

FRANKFURT, Germany - Giant Group paid considerable attention to its ESG efforts on its booth at this year's Eurobike. One of the features was the Pre rCarbon push bike, the "r" signifying recycled versions of raw materials. Weighing around 2.4kg it is Giant's first ever complete bike application using its recycle long carbon fiber manufacturing technology.

Among other things, NCTE is offering e-bike drivetrain customers its modular MidSense sensor system. – Photo NCTE

Component maker NCTE reports 65% order increase after tough half year

MUNICH, Germany - Due to dropping e-bike sales, German torque sensor maker NCTE AG had to swallow hard in the first half of 2024. But there is a light at the end of the tunnel. A whopping incoming order increase is keeping the stock-listed company optimistic about the future.

Timyo, which has been declared bankrupt in the Netherlands, has its own frame factory in China and assembling facilities in Lithuania and the Netherlands. - Photo Timyo

E-bike manufacturer Timyo declared bankrupt as new entity emerges

ROOSENDAAL, The Netherlands - Timyo, the Dutch-based company that designed, developed and jointly manufactured e-bikes under its brands Van Dijck, Keola and Muon, has been declared bankrupt this week. The company had been struggling with issues for some time, including technical defects in e-bike components. However, continuation of the Van Dijck and Muon brands is already in place.

The opening of the new AKOR Cycles & Café store at 3, rue de Strasbourg in the Gare district of Luxembourg City took place in early 2020. – Photo Arnold Kontz Group

Luxembourg's Arnold Kontz sells car dealerships to focus on bicycles

LUXEMBOURG, Luxembourg - Belguim's Louyet Group has taken over the motor vehicle distribution business of Arnold Kontz Group. The latter has decided to go back to its roots and fully focus on the bicycle trade and soft mobility. "I feel that the time is right for us to withdraw from car distribution and concentrate once again on bicycles," explains managing director Benji Kontz.

As crowded warehouses facilitated a huge dip in e-bike imports, now for the first time in 12 months the number of units imported into the EU matches the same level as the previous year. – Photo Bike Europe

Rising e-bike imports signal market recovery in EU-27

ZEIST, The Netherlands - With 81,353 e-bike units imported into the EU-27 in the month of May, this almost matches the 83,000 units imported in the same period as last year, the latest Eurostat data shows. No doubt encouraging another sigh of relief for the bicycle market in Europe, e-bike imports per month have only continued to rise in 2024.

Ambition proved not to be enough for now insolvent contract manufacturer WSF Bicycle Technology GmbH based in Regau, Austria. – Photo WSF Technology

Austrian manufacturer WSF liquidated as restructuring plan fails

REGAU, Austria - The restructuring plan of the young bicycle and e-bike contract manufacturer WSF Bicycle Technology GmbH, which slipped into insolvency on April 24, has failed. Despite big ambitions, all assets are now being liquidated, the insolvency administrator Dr. Klaus Schiller confirmed to Bike Europe.

India’s largest port is more than 1,200 km away from India’s bicycle industry center. – Photo Shutterstock

India's bicycle industry asks Modi government for export incentives

LUDHIANA, India - To boost local manufacturing and reduce the country's dependency on imports, the Modi government launched an incentive scheme for 13 sectors in 2020. Other objectives were to attract foreign direct investments and to expand exports. Now the bicycle industry also wants to be included in this scheme.

Lennart van Houwelingen brings industry experience from Enviolo and Bafang to Hesling Bike Parts. – Photo Hesling

Hesling Bikes Parts appoints Lennart van Houwelingen as European...

ULFT, The Netherlands - Lennart van Houwelingen has joined Hesling Bike Parts as international sales manager. With extensive experience in the international bicycle industry, including nearly nine years with Enviolo/NuVinci and five years with Bafang, he will focus on expanding the Dutch company's presence on the European market.



盧森堡,盧森堡市(LUXEMBOURG)-歐洲檢察官辦公室(European Public Prosecutor's Office,簡稱EPPO)宣布,自中國進口電動自行車的某義大利公司因涉嫌重大海關詐欺行為,已對其執行凍結令。該公司被控避稅金額超過980萬歐元。對於歐盟電動自行車零件進口問題的複雜性,這一最新案件亦引起社會關注。



荷蘭,海牙(DEN HAAG)-荷蘭人類環境和運輸督察局(Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate,簡稱ILT)已扣押大約3,500輛胖胎自行車,原因是這些產品符合輕型摩托車(moped)法規,但非電動自行車法規。這需要不同的型式認可。胖胎車在荷蘭已成為廣大年輕族群的愛好車款,近期也出現增加控管的呼聲。