14817 results

Close ties with Pon.Bike brings valuable market knowledge to Ziemi. - Photo Ziemi

Pon.Bike invests in innovative bicycle lighting with Ziemi

AMSTERDAM, the Netherlands - Support from Pon.Bike makes it possible for Ziemi to venture its innovative bicycle lighting system into international markets. Pon.Bike is, among others, the largest of seven parties that recently participated in an investment round raising €300,000.

The ownership of the Cycleurope France production facility including the brand Gitane and license agreements for Velo & Oxygen and Peugeot has changed ownership. – Photo Cycleurope.

Cycleurope Group sells Romilly-sur-Seine factory to new owner

ROMILLY SUR SEINE, France - The operation of Cycleurope Group and Grimaldi Industri AB in France will be taken-over by the Rebirth Holding SAS as of 7 October. In a short announcement Cycleurope reports the transfer of 100% ownership to Rebirth Holding SAS for an undisclosed amount.

Shareholders KKR and Teslin retain a significant majority controlling stake in Accell Group. – Photo Accell Group

Accell Group cuts debts by €600 mln with support of KKR and Teslin

HEERENVEEN, the Netherlands - Accell Group reached an agreement with a majority of its financial stakeholders and could improve its financial position. The transaction will lead to a reduction of Accell Group's debt by approximately €600 million, or around 40% of the total debt, from approximately €1.4 billion.

Trading and service organisation, Magura Bosch Parts & Services now operates out of its new headquarters in Nürtingen, Germany. - Photo MBPS

Magura Bosch Parts & Services (MBPS) consolidates facilities into new...

Nürtingen, Germany - The former company headquarters of Magura has moved into a brand-new facility of Magura Bosch Parts & Services (MBPS). Two years after the decision in favour of a new building was made, all MBPS departments have now moved into the one building.

Three hotels in Taichung’s business district open up their rooms and banquet halls for exhibitors during the Taichung Bike Week. - Photos Bike Europe

Is Taichung Bike Week future proof?

TAICHUNG, Taiwan - The lack of one central organiser of Taichung Bike Week might turn out to become the biggest hurdle for the event to overcome the current problems in the bicycle industry. Three hotels in Taichung's business district open up their rooms and banquet halls for exhibitors who invite their customers to come over. For the rest it is wait and see. This means a solid foundation and future vision for TBW are lacking.

The LEV Circuit is available in various options and from 125 mm up to 200 mm travel. – Photo Bike Europe

Kind Shock explores new markets with wireless dropper seat post

TAINAN, Taiwan - For Kind Shock the LEV Circuit wireless dropper seat post, presented at Eurobike, is a game-changer. It eliminates the need for cables and internal routing, streamlining bike design and reducing maintenance.

Buycycle, Europe's leading marketplace for premium, pre-owned bikes, expanded its business to the US market 1 year ago, becoming the fastest-growing market to date. – Photos Buycycle

Buycycle pushing the evolution of the second-hand bike market in...

MUNICH, Germany - With over 25,000 pre-owned and refurbished bikes listed on its platform, over 2,000 of which come from the US, the fast-growing startup Buycycle is on a mission to connect high-end bicycle buyers and sellers on a global scale. One of the founders of Buycycle, Theodor Golditchuk, spoke with Bike Europe about the company's rapid rise in the second-hand market.

出席像是台中週這樣的年度採購展會,對產品經理而言變得不再如此重要。照片來源/Bike Europe



自行車製造商Simplon正迎強勢逆風。照片來源/Dieter Wertz


奧地利,哈德(HARD)-奧地利自行車第二大巨頭Simplon Fahrrad GmbH的生意並不總是一帆風順,在該公司股東於去年底換掉管理團隊時,該公司的問題嚴重性也浮出檯面。今年整個行業銷售雙位數下滑亦對Simplon營收造成實質影響,迫使他們於上週申請美國《破產法》第11章破產保護,以繼續進行重組程序。

Glory Wheel Enterprise董事長Charles Lee與Spank Industries董事長Gavin Vos於台中的併購簽約儀式合影。照片來源/GW

Glory Wheel收購Spank和Fratelli拓展全球計畫

台灣,台中-知名台灣自行車零件製造商Glory Wheel Enterprise Co., Ltd.(GW)完成收購自行車配件品牌Spank Industries和Fratelli Industries。透過這次收購,GW旨在提升他們在高階自行車零件市場的地位。本次交易的金額並未公開。

Richard Thorpe於Youtube影片中表示:「今年初,我們也不得不舉白旗投降並進行重組,調整公司以應對市場復甦。」照片來源/Gocycle


英國,倫敦(LONDON)-屢次獲獎的電動自行車品牌Gocycle為發表其全新城市摺疊自行車系列,發起群眾募資活動。Gocycle東家Karbon Kinetics Ltd創辦人兼執行長Richard Thorpe說明他這次為何轉以試探性的融資方式,即便他早在2002年便成立該公司。他表示:「資本機構已退出多數產業,包含自行車公司及像是Gocycle這樣的小型新創企業。」






捷克,喬夫喬維采(ČVRČOVICE)-為向顧客提供Brevs電動自行車組裝和電池的一站式服務,Darfon Electronics決定設廠捷克。

Accell Group 執行長René Takens報告了財務業績表現強勁。– Photo Bike Europe

在Accell Group的營收裡,電動自行車佔的比重越來越大

荷蘭,阿姆斯特丹- 旗下有眾多自行車品牌的Accell Group NV在上星期五公布年中財務報告的記者會中宣佈營業額成長了13%。電動自行車和運動自行車的銷售成長造就了營收兩位數的成長。特別是電動自行車和Haibike全新高性能電動自行車推升了Accell的營業額,電動自行車的營收也再創新高。

海倫芬產線遷移至其他歐洲廠,如匈牙利廠(如圖),將導致該集團裁減破百個職位。照片來源/Bike Europe

Accell Group簡化營運將裁員

荷蘭,海倫芬(HEERENVEEN)-Accell Group昨日宣其計畫調整生產架構,以「簡化營運並提升效率」,因此該集團將合併位於海倫芬的Batavus和Koga品牌工廠,並將部分生產移至Accell其它歐洲廠進行,預計裁減150個職位。

Orbea產品多數是在位於西班牙馬利亞維亞的總部進行塗裝、上貼紙、組裝、包裝,再運送至全球市場。照片來源/Orbea Group


西班牙,馬利亞維亞(MALLABIA)-參觀自行車製造商Orbea S. Coop.時,一抵達總部便可看出他們有多麼深根在地,他們的母語是巴斯克語(Basque),第二外語是英文。Bike Europe在造訪該公司位於Mallabia的總部及工廠時,也發現這間巴斯克自行車製造商與國內外競爭者截然不同之處。

Pon.Bike Italia位於義大利瓦爾波利切拉,屬維羅納市郊。照片來源/Pon.Bike

義大利子公司更名Pon.Bike Italia打入市場

義大利,瓦爾波利切拉(VALPOLICELLA)-Pon子公司Focus Italia Group新名稱為Pon.Bike Italia,該荷蘭自行車龍頭在買下這間義大利公司後,最後階段是品牌再造。


無買家表態,Internetstores Group未來岌岌可危

德國,比勒費爾德/慕尼黑(BIELEFELD/MUNICH)-根據一份破產程序的中期評估報告,在Internetstores Group宣佈破產之後,他們尚未收到任何整體收購報價。這也讓人擔憂該公司旗下品牌往後是否能繼續經營,且可能面臨裁員風險。


品質異常問題致Accell Group停售Babboe載貨自行車

荷蘭,海倫芬(HEERENVEEN)-Babboe已停止販售載貨自行車,待另行通知。荷蘭食品及消費者產品安全部門(Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority,簡稱NVWA)收到大量車架在騎乘過程中斷裂的報告。向該單位詢問說明時,其回覆:「該自行車製造商未能充分證明特定型號不存在安全風險。」

柬國自行車出口市場持續縮減。照片來源/Bike Europe


柬埔寨,金邊(PHNOM PENH)-去年開始,市場對柬埔寨生產的自行車需求量大幅減少,且目前此勢未減。該國海關總局(General Department of Customs and Excise)一份報告顯示,該國今年Q1自行車出口值年減43%。