西班牙,馬德里(MADRID)-西班牙工業暨觀光部(Ministry of Industry and Tourism)發布的數據顯示,自行車產量在2024年上半年達到171,200輛。雖然較去年同期減少6.4%,但今年第二季產量已增加到每月3萬輛。
西班牙,馬德里(MADRID)-西班牙工業暨觀光部(Ministry of Industry and Tourism)發布的數據顯示,自行車產量在2024年上半年達到171,200輛。雖然較去年同期減少6.4%,但今年第二季產量已增加到每月3萬輛。
德國,法蘭克福(FRANKFURT)-Martina Rumschick將在Eurobike擔任新創的品牌及內容經理一職,該展將於今年9月1日開展。她將負責管理Eurobike的品牌策略,提升展會內容,並在國際競爭市場中定位展會。
ZEIST, The Netherlands - Between April and June this year, the number of e-bikes imported into the EU rose to 223,000 units almost matching the same period last year. Significantly, this figure is almost double the amount imported in the first quarter of the year. All top 3 importing countries, Taiwan, Vietnam and China significantly increased the number of units entering the EU during this time period. However, at what cost?
TAICHUNG, Taiwan - Despite a double-digit revenue drop Taiwan's third-largest bicycle manufacturer Ideal Bike Corporation is continuing to work on getting a grip on the losses incurred in the past. A look at the 2024 second quarter and first half-year figures indicate a successful restructuring of the financial setbacks.
LONDON, United Kingdom - In a move to deter consumer fears about e-bike battery safety, the UK cycling sector, including industry trade bodies and an e-bike alliance which includes Bosch eBike Systems have joined forces in a national 'E-bike Positive' campaign. Not only an educational resource, but it will also encourage UK policymakers to better protect consumers and call on industry stakeholders to be more attentive.
SHENZHEN, China - Cable integration and the ongoing trend towards connectivity on e-bikes makes cables and connectors smaller. According to manufacturer Chogori the market demands thinner connectors with similar functionalities.
BERLIN, Germany - The German industry organisation ZIV rang the alarm bell last January over the upcoming Federal Forest Act which would pose a big threat for mountain and gravel biking in the nation's forests. In the first draft of the act, which was published recently, the right to enter the forest by bicycle remains largely untouched.
ALKMAAR, the Netherlands - Wholesaler, exclusive agent for many brands and incubator for the Dutch retail market AGU has had to apply for Chapter 11 status and suspend payments.
MADRID, Spain - Bicycle production in Spain reached 171,200 units during the first half of 2024, data from the Spanish Ministry of Industry and Tourism shows. Although this represents a 6.4% decrease on the same period last year, production has grown to around 30,000 units per month during the second quarter of 2024.
SCHRAMBERG, Germany - When presenting its 2024 half-year figures, the high-precision gearbox parts and components manufacturer hGears AG took a cautious view of the financial year. Looking further ahead, the stock-listed company sees strong growth again in the medium term 'particularly in the e-bike and e-mobility business areas'.
FRANKFURT, Germany - Martina Rumschick will take up the newly created position of Head of Brand & Content at Eurobike on September 1, 2024. In this role, she will oversee the strategic management of the Eurobike brand, enhance the show's content and position the event in relation to its international competition.
立陶宛,修雷(ŠIAULIAI)-自行車製造商UBA Baltik Vairas去年營收下滑,主因為歐洲市場庫存過高及需求減緩。該公司去年營收1.71億歐元,2022年為1.85億歐元,年減7.5%。
法國,里爾(LILLE)-自行車界最知名的其中一位Decathlon高層Didier Morelle,宣布將退出該法國零售商的團隊。過去數十年來,他在全球自行車行業中成為知名人物,在歐洲最大自行車零售商擔任多種職位,最近期的是自行車採購總監。
德國,尚貝爾格(SCHRAMBERG)-在公布2024年上半年數據時,高精度齒輪零部件製造商hGears AG對該財年抱持謹慎態度。該上市公司預期未來中期內會再次大幅增長,尤其電動自行車和電動交通工具類別。
比利時,布魯塞爾(BRUSSELS)-世界自行車產業會(WBIA)投票選出新一屆董事會,並任命Salcano Bicycle Company所有者Bayram Akgül為該會理事長。
With the e-bike market in full swing, demand for stronger and more powerful bikes is on the rise. Customers are keen to upgrade to bikes that focus on performance, durability, and versatility, and in the case of e-bikes, this often relies heavily on its power output.
TAICHUNG, Taiwan - The annual event for product managers, the Taichung Bike Week will open its doors again from 24-27 September. The event's relevance has changed significantly, after Eurobike decided to move to the June/July window. The big question this year is whether the market is ready again for this sourcing event.
GIVISIEZ, Switzerland - After Scott Sports Group majority owner Youngone Corporation dismissed longstanding CEO Beat Zaugg with immediate effect at the end of March they appointed investment banker Juwon Kim as his successor. This was the starting point for a power struggle between longtime industry expert Zaugg and Youngone. Now the dust seems to have settled with the appointment of a CEO duo.
ROTORUA, New Zealand - Start-up Bike Matrix has secured a significant NZ$2 million (€1.1 million) investment from within the bicycle industry. "This investment from within the bicycle industry, brings invaluable market validation, experience, and expertise from a seasoned industry insider." The name of the investor remains undisclosed but Bike Matrix co-founder Adam Townsend confirmed to Bike Europe that it is a component manufacturer.
BRUSSELS, Belgium - The World Bicycle Industry Association (WBIA) has elected a new board and appointed Salcano Bicycle Company owner Bayram Akgül as the President of the international industry association.