
Retail Training Series: Gates and enviolo offer training

Retail Training Series: Gates and enviolo offer training
Adjusting a Gates belt.

Gates has partnered with transmission manufacturer enviolo to offer a series of training sessions in Europe. The Retail Training Series will enable dealers to get better acquainted with the combination of Gates Carbon Drive and enviolo products.

Gates belts have many advantages over a standard bike chain, including longer lifespan, less maintenance, and greater resistance to wear and tear. Meanwhile, enviolo manufactures geared hubs which are often paired with Gates Carbon Drive. Both products offer a low-maintenance bike ownership experience.

Partnership Retail Training Series

The Retail Training Series is designed to get more people involved and educate dealers in working with a Gates and enviolo combination. enviolo has offered the Retail Training Series previously, but this is the first time they are doing the trainings with Gates, further cementing the two brands’ partnership.

There will be 90 training sessions in 33 locations, along with online sessions. There have been over 2,000 registrations and currently, the sessions are almost completely booked. The in-person sessions are from 9 am to 4 pm, with each session taking place over a single day. Online sessions are divided into four parts of 70-90 minutes each.

The Retail Training Series offers extensive hands-on workshop segments and is suited to beginner technicians as well as advanced techs. The sessions will be conducted in Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Austria – just as they have been done in the past – and France and the UK have been added as new locations. The sessions are offered in Dutch, German, and English. A full list of dates and locations can be found here.

The locations of Retail Training Series.

Due to Covid restrictions, some sessions will be held online but the majority of the training sessions are scheduled in person, as planned. Upon completion of the session, every dealer will receive a personal certificate of achievement as a Gates Carbon Drive and enviolo certified expert.

Session structure

The workshop itself is 50% theory and 50% practical. The practical aspect gives dealers an opportunity to explore various maintenance and service aspects of the enviolo hub. The Gates portion of the training will give dealers a better understanding of the overall Gates Carbon Drive system and covers belt handling, alignment, and use of tools such as the Universal Transmissions laser alignment tool and Gates SureFit sprocket installation tool.

Certificate given to dealers who complete the RTS.

To take part in the session, the dealer only needs a bike fitted with a Gates system and enviolo hub. For the online trainings, enviolo will send the dealer a manual hub interface, freewheel, controller, tool, and AUTOMATiQ controller. It is also recommended to order the UT laser alignment and belt tension tester, and AUTOMATiQ system.

Quickly en eco-friendly

The last two years have seen a spike in demand for bicycles and e-bikes, which enable people to move around quickly and in an eco-friendly manner. The combination of a Gates belt and enviolo hub is great for people who want to get back into biking, because it is so simple and efficient. With a Gates belt, riders spend less time on maintenance and more time riding their bike.

This article is sponsored by Gates.


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