
Lavoie共同執行長Elloit Wertheimer和營運長Quinten de Hass合影。照片來源/VanMoof

英國,沃金(Woking)— VanMoof去年夏季宣布破產後,在重啟之時勢必得大幅調整策略,不過VanMoof新東家McLaren Applied子公司Lavoie,並未給自己太多時間研究最佳可行的生意模式。除重新調整零售和服務策略之外,該公司也再次開啟零件供應鏈並開發新零件。

Lavoie說明決定買下VanMoof的理由表示:「我們收購VanMoof是因為我們堅信其品牌及產品。」這會對他們的新策略發揮什麼作用?Lavoie共同執行長Elliot Wertheimer(以下簡稱EW)和營運長Quinten de Haas(以下簡稱QH)於訪談中與Bike Europe談論他們對VanMoof的願景。



問:有VanMoof 1.0的前車之鑑,您如何說服自行車店家加入服務網絡?


問:Elliot於12月受訪美國媒體《the Verge》,他當時說明還在和北美債權人討論重組,請問這程序已完成了嗎?






Taiwan’s second largest bicycle manufacturer Merida’s Headquarters in based in Dacun Township in Changhua County. – Photo Merida

Merida revenue recovers but profit lags behind

CHANGHUA, Taiwan - In the first three sales quarters of the current 2024 financial year Taiwan's second-largest bicycle manufacturer Merida Industry Co. Ltd. generated total revenue of TWD 23.8 billion (€695 million). Compared to the first nine months of the previous year, this is a good increase of 5.8% in a persistently difficult and challenging environment.

myStromer is the second well known e-bike brand to pull out of the US market recently. – Photo myStromer

Leading e-bike brands discontinue North American business

OBERWANGEN, Switzerland - Yamaha was the first e-bike brand this month which announced it was pulling out of the US market due to oversupply and slow demand. It turns out that the Japanese are not the only one. myStromer AG also announced it will discontinue its business in the US and Canada with immediate effect.

Selle Royal is repurposing waste material from the production process as padding for its bicycle saddles. – Photo Selle Royal

Selle Royal unveils technology that turns waste into saddle padding

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The ongoing diversification of Eurobike’s audience is also reflected in the layout of the event. – Photo Bike Europe

Eurobike responds to changing market situation with shift in...

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